Tom Forsyth


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
11/26/17 5,000m 19:41.2 1:58.1

Didn't feel great, just did the distance.

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11/15/17 5,000m 19:44.7 1:58.4


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11/10/17 2,000m 7:30.8 1:52.7


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11/07/17 2,000m 7:37.5 1:54.3

It was fine.

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10/10/17 5,000m 21:19.9 2:07.9

First 3k was great, then my feet started to really hurt, just cruised the rest

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10/03/17 5,000m 20:09.0 2:00.9

Not feeling great today. Just did the distance.

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09/30/17 5,000m 19:38.0 1:57.8

Aimed for just under a supercruise all the way through rather than pushing. 26/27str/min. Wound it up for last 500m.

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09/25/17 5,000m 19:54.0 1:59.4

Lovely and cool, but too much car racing! 2.5k->1.0k ran out of puff, dropped below supercruise

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09/09/17 5,000m 19:53.0 1:59.3

Cooler, but it's been a while. 2.5k->1.5k was slower than supercruise, raised it again at the end.

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08/29/17 2,000m 7:27.4 1:51.8

Consistent & well-paced, but it's 80 degrees outside. Way too hot.

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08/09/17 5,000m 20:20.4 2:02.0

Too damn hot. Just did the distance. Managed a supercruise for the last 1km though.

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07/25/17 2,000m 7:26.6 1:51.6

Moderate start, winding slowly. Good pace. Very hot.

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07/20/17 2,000m 7:28.6 1:52.1

Good even pace.

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07/07/17 2,000m 7:35.1 1:53.7

Started at 1:57, took it down 1sec every 500, then sprint for the end. All went to plan.

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07/03/17 2,000m 7:39.8 1:54.9

Post vacation break. Ran out of breath pretty quickly - could barely maintain supercruise after that.

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06/08/17 2,000m 7:34.8 1:53.7

Back from foot injury - started gentle, ramped hard at the end. Foot is good.

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03/03/17 5,000m 19:21.8 1:56.1

Consistent supercruise, -2 push 3k->2.5k, then gradual push from 1k home.

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02/24/17 5,000m 19:20.9 1:56.0

Consistent supercruise, -2 push 3k->2.5k, then gradual push from 1k home.

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02/14/17 5,000m 19:25.1 1:56.5

Consistent supercruise, -2 push 3k->2.5k, then gradual push from 1k home.

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02/09/17 5,000m 19:25.6 1:56.5

Started at 2:01, then good supercruise, -2 push 3k->2.5k, then last 1k was 1:50!

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