Ken Theakston


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/24/21 5,988m 30:00.0 2:30.3

Damper high 3. Went for an easy 30 mins with pace boat at 2.33, felt really good halfway and picked up the pace and finished strong, very…

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05/20/21 4,149m 20:00.0 2:24.6

Damper high 3. x10 timed intervals, 2 on, 1 off. Felt very good by changing pace.

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05/19/21 6,000m 29:52.3 2:29.3

Damper set high 3, and Pace boat at 2.33. A good row this morning with a sprint at the last 150 mtrs.

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05/18/21 8,000m 40:48.9 2:33.0

Damper high 3. Decided to up my game a bit, by adding another 1000 mtrs. Took it steady initially then picked up the pace and tried to ma…

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05/17/21 7,000m 35:50.5 2:33.6

Damper set at high 3. I intended to go long and steady, but I felt good and increased the pace and effort. i went for the sprint at 600m,…

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05/14/21 7,531m 40:00.0 2:39.3

I went for time today and have a steady and longer row, felt good and comfortable. Used a high 3 on the damper.

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05/13/21 6,000m 30:01.9 2:30.1

Set the pace boat at 2.31, had to work at it to keep up, but managed to beat it in the end, that was a harder session than before, but fe…

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05/11/21 6,000m 30:15.0 2:31.2

Another strong session, went a bit too quick in the middle. Pace boat set at 2.33 and beat it again. Getting fitter as I was pre first lo…

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05/10/21 6,000m 30:42.8 2:33.5

Continued with the 6000 mtr distance and adjusted the pace boat to 2.35 min. I felt strong and in control, will reduce boat time again. <…

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05/07/21 6,000m 30:56.6 2:34.7

Went a Km longer today, felt really good, beat the pace boat set at 2.40.

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05/05/21 5,000m 26:37.0 2:39.7 View workout
05/04/21 5,000m 25:37.4 2:33.7 View workout
05/03/21 5,602m 30:00.0 2:40.6

First day back in the saddle, a bit tered at 20 mins in, but happy.

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