Ken Theakston


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
07/07/21 6,189m 30:00.0 2:25.4

Damper 3. Had a good 30 mins, a nice stretch out, concentrated more on form.

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06/30/21 6,263m 30:00.0 2:23.7

Damper 3. A good 30 minutes, was very hot had to slow up for drinks.

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06/28/21 4,159m 20:40.1 2:29.0

Damper 3. Just a good short one to blow the cobwebs away.

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06/25/21 6,383m 30:00.0 2:20.9

Damper 3. A good workout, concentrated a bit more on my form. My time is improving, but I think I could do better if I do a proper warmup…

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06/24/21 5,953m 28:00.0 2:21.1

Damper 3. Intervals, felt very good after a rest day.

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06/21/21 4,626m 22:48.3 2:27.8

Damper 3. I was going to do a 30 min slow, but I couldn't concentrate, too much going through my mind.

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06/17/21 6,109m 28:00.0 2:17.5

Damper 4. 10 intervals, a really good crack on these, worked very hard.

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06/17/21 1,040m 5:00.0 2:24.2

Warm up.

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06/15/21 6,325m 30:00.0 2:22.2

Damper 4. Intended to do long and steady, didn't turn out that way, a very good session.

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06/15/21 993m 5:00.0 2:31.0

Damper 4 - warm up

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06/11/21 5,759m 27:00.0 2:20.6

Damper 4. Interval time! Worked hard on this one.

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06/10/21 6,117m 30:00.0 2:27.1

Damper 3. Pace boat 2.30, decided to do a long slow session and pick up towards the end, very enjoyable.

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06/07/21 6,179m 30:00.0 2:25.6

Damper 4. Planned on a steady work out, but felt good and pushed it out.

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06/07/21 1,006m 5:00.0 2:29.1

Damper 4, warm up.

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06/04/21 5,201m 25:00.0 2:24.2

Damper 4. Interval time, felt really good, a nice change.

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06/02/21 6,208m 30:00.0 2:24.9

Damper 4. A nice session after a 5 minute warmup, still had enough in the tank to build up a sprint finish.

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06/02/21 975m 5:00.0 2:33.8

Damper 4. Warmup

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06/01/21 6,053m 30:00.0 2:28.6 View workout
05/27/21 5,316m 27:08.0 2:33.1

Damper high 3. Intended to do a steady 10km, but ran out of energy, will need to eat something before trying again, especially at that ti…

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05/25/21 6,206m 30:00.0 2:25.0

Damper high 3. Only intended to do a steady 30 mins, but felt good and picked up the pace, had a wobble with 12 mins to go, but coped wit…

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