Jim Lewis


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/22/09 9,234m 42:00.0 2:16.4

6 min warm-up / 5 X 3 min. @ 22SPM, 2 min. @ 27SPM, and 1 min. @ 32SPM. 6 min cool down. (24SPM / 2:16.4/500M) HR = 162

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12/20/09 20,791m 1:30:27.1 2:10.5

X 6000M w/ 5:00 min rest / 24 SPM @ 2:05.7/500M. HR range 152 to 177. Shut it down after two, felt tired and HR to high

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12/20/09 1,058m 5:05.9 2:24.5


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12/18/09 7,108m 30:00.0 2:06.6

15 X 1:40 min w/ :20 sec rest / 25 SPM @ 2:02.8/500M. HR range 149 to 159... Moderate workout...

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12/18/09 1,235m 6:03.0 2:26.9


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12/17/09 6,577m 30:05.1 2:17.2

Recovery Day

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12/16/09 10,000m 39:05.3 1:57.2

289 of 1110. 10,000 Meters / 26 SPM @ 1:57.2/500M. HR = 173. Went hard from the start. Can go a little faster for sure.

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12/16/09 2,216m 10:02.9 2:16.0


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12/15/09 6,424m 30:06.9 2:20.6

Recovery Day

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12/13/09 30,000m 2:09:31.4 2:09.5

30,000 Meters. Just looking to put in some meters for charity. 150 bpm first half, let it climb a little to high 150's.

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12/12/09 13,709m 59:11.8 2:09.5

2 X 6000M w/ 5:00 min rest / 25 SPM @ 2:02.9/500M. HR range 159 to 165. Tried a couple of different stroke rates.

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12/12/09 1,761m 8:06.1 2:18.0


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12/11/09 5,027m 22:24.0 2:13.6


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12/10/09 8,802m 39:00.0 2:12.9

3 X 10:00 min w/ 3:00 min rest / 24 SPM @ 2:03.3/500M. HR range 152 to 161...

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12/10/09 1,355m 7:05.6 2:37.0


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12/09/09 8,876m 42:00.0 2:21.9

6 min warm-up / 5 X 3 min. @ 22SPM, 2 min. @ 27SPM, and 1 min. @ 32SPM. 6 min cool down. Starting to like this workout.

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12/08/09 5,013m 22:35.2 2:15.1

Just rowed to get warmed-up to stretch.

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12/06/09 20,524m 1:30:08.2 2:11.7

3 X 6000M w/ 5:00 min rest / 25 SPM @ 2:05.2/500M. HR range 163 to 164. Went with a steady HR, wanted lower rate, sick.

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12/06/09 1,006m 5:07.5 2:32.8


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12/05/09 7,336m 30:00.0 2:02.6

476 of 1001 - TEST - had to really back off expected pace. Use this and the 2000m pace to set your workouts 4 this week

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