Jim Lewis


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
10/16/09 1,656m 8:01.8 2:25.4


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10/13/09 7,051m 32:10.5 2:16.8

4 X 1000M w/ 4:00 min rest / 26 SPM @ 2:01.3 / 500M. HR in low 160's. This ia still good. Like the longer rests.

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10/13/09 1,171m 6:04.5 2:35.6


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10/12/09 5,019m 24:59.2 2:29.3

Just rowed easy, feeling pretty tired.

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10/11/09 13,920m 1:02:07.6 2:13.8

2 X 6000M w 5:00 Min. Rest / 25 SPM @ 2:10.3/500M. Could probably start doing 3 of these for more endurance work.

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10/10/09 10,000m 42:51.3 2:08.5

541 of 793. 10,000 Meters / 25 SPM @ 2:08.5/500M. HR = 165, maxed out @ 182 BPM.

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10/10/09 99m 0:27.3 2:17.8

Had to stop to make adjustment...

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10/10/09 1,663m 8:05.1 2:25.8


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10/09/09 8,016m 36:40.7 2:17.2

5 X 3 min. @ 22SPM, 2 min. @ 27SPM, and 1 min. @ 32SPM. 6+ min cool down.

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10/09/09 2,006m 10:02.6 2:30.1


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10/07/09 7,957m 39:00.0 2:27.0

3 X 10:00 Min. w/ 3:00 min. rest / 24 SPM @ 2:08.9/500M. HR in the low 160's. Need to lower HR below 160 at his pace.

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10/07/09 1,563m 8:07.6 2:35.9


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10/06/09 7,693m 35:26.8 2:18.2

5 X 1000M w/ 3:00 min. rest / 25 SPM @ 2:02.6/500M HR high 160's. This is more where I want to be right for right now.

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10/06/09 1,992m 10:12.2 2:33.6


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10/05/09 5,021m 24:26.5 2:26.0

Recovery, just rower easy

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10/04/09 10,000m 43:28.0 2:10.4

571 of 787. 10,000 Meters / 24 SPM @ 2:10.4/500M HR=162, maxed out HR @ 181 BPM.

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10/04/09 2,004m 10:03.2 2:30.4


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10/03/09 6,892m 30:00.0 2:10.5

590 0f 787. 30 Minutes / 24 SPM @ 2:10.5/500M HR=160

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10/03/09 2,085m 10:06.1 2:25.3


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10/02/09 8,434m 39:00.0 2:18.7

3 X 10:00 Min. w/ 3:00 min. rest. / 24 SPM @ 2:11.8/500M HR = 152. Probably can go 2:10's at this interval time.

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