Philip Huml


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/19/21 8,000m 31:31.2 1:58.2

DH 5k 3-5
4 x 2000m @ 5k-2 sec = 1:58
4 min rest

first 3 rounds I felt good last round i definitely struggled

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03/19/21 3,009m 13:27.8 2:14.2

slow 3k warmup felt ok

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03/18/21 6,017m 26:48.7 2:13.6 View workout
03/18/21 4,457m 20:03.2 2:14.9 View workout
03/18/21 400m 1:36.0 2:00.0 View workout
03/18/21 1,476m 6:46.5 2:17.7 View workout
03/18/21 4,000m 15:35.2 1:56.9

Tried DH 5k 3-5
could not finish EXHAUSTED

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03/17/21 7,132m 30:00.0 2:06.1

DH 5k 3-4
30min @ 5k+10 = 2:12 18spm

I did not follow rx

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03/16/21 11,322m 45:00.0 1:59.2

DH 5k 3-3
30 min @ 1:58/split 24 spm
15 min @ 2:01/split 26 spm
8 min rest
This was super tough was not sure how to pa…

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03/15/21 6,600m 24:49.6 1:52.8

DH 5K 3-2
10 x 600m @ 5k - 6 sec = 1:54 28spm
2 min rest
felt strong did 11 rounds

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03/14/21 6,000m 24:30.9 2:02.5

DH 5k 3-1
3 X 2000m @ 5k+6 = 2:06 20spm, 5k+4=2:04 @22spm, 5k+2= 2:02 @24spm
5 min rest

Felt strong wanted to go harder

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03/13/21 6,000m 23:41.2 1:58.4

DH 5K 2-5
4 x 1500m @ 5k-2 sec
4 x 1500m @ 2:00-2 sec = 1:58
4 min rest
Felt strong the entire way - could have gone stro…

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03/12/21 6,000m 25:56.8 2:09.7

DH 5k 2-4
2 X 3000m @5k+12 = 2:12
2 min rest

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03/11/21 12,707m 55:00.0 2:09.8

DH 5k 2-3
1 piece 45min row - 5 min on, 5 min easy
2:06 spm, - 2:10 spm

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03/10/21 6,000m 22:49.8 1:54.1

DH 5k 2-2
8 x 750m @5k-6sec =2 :02-6sec = 1:55split
2 min rest

Felt really strong the first 6 rounds last 2 i struggled t…

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03/09/21 2,445m 11:06.1 2:16.2 View workout
03/09/21 6,000m 25:12.7 2:06.0

DH 5k 2-1
3000m@5k+8 = 2:08 4min rest
2000m@5k+6 = 2:06 4min rest
1000m@5k+4 = 2:04 4min rest

Felt easy seemed like a…

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03/08/21 5,500m 22:43.3 2:03.9 View workout
03/07/21 8,249m 35:00.0 2:07.2

DH 5k 1-5
35 min @ 5k+8 =2:08 at 20spm
did 35 min instead of programed 30min
felt ok had trouble keeping the pace of only 20…

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03/06/21 10,000m 40:57.8 2:02.8

DH 5k 1-4
4 x 2,500m @ 5k +5 2:05 22spm
3min rest
still struggling not feeling stong

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