Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/03/17 24,500m 1:30:45.1 1:51.1

49x500m. 49 was max intervals at variabel rest. new heart rate sensor that worked fine. have high heartrate now.

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12/23/16 547m 3:19.4 3:02.2

slowest cool down ever? soo tired almost only arms.

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12/23/16 42,195m 2:43:36.3 1:56.3

So hard the last half. don't want to do this for a long long time

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12/23/16 1,000m 3:55.2 1:57.6 View workout
12/23/16 1,035m 4:14.7 2:03.0 View workout
12/21/16 8,000m

8 x 1km. Trying to get the right feeling at marathon pace 1:58 pace.

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12/19/16 21,097m 1:18:56.2 1:52.2

WR age 30-39. 37 s/m. 247 watt. Hard today.

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12/19/16 2,500m 9:13.3 1:50.6

warm up 5x500m

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12/17/16 13,000m 48:28.6 1:51.8

10 x 1,3km. Best felt DF 152. 37 s/m

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12/16/16 1,261m 5:07.4 2:01.8

cool down

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12/16/16 16,373m 1:00:00.0 1:49.9

Hard today. 38 s/m. 263 watt. heartrate 172/187. third WR age 30-39

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12/16/16 4,000m 14:44.9 1:50.6

warm up 8x500m

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12/14/16 2,500m 9:05.6 1:49.1

Warm up. 5x500m

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12/14/16 10,000m 35:53.9 1:47.6

2nd world record age 30-39. 43 s/m. heartrate 171/185. felt a lot easier than the last wr on 6 km. concept2 utility didn't work. whe…

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12/13/16 500m 2:03.6 2:03.6

Testing a new usb flashdrive. it is some problem with the program

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12/13/16 12,000m

8x1500m. The concept2 utility stop worked every time i should upload workout. I don't know if its the usb who is the problem or if i…

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12/12/16 8,334m 30:00.0 1:47.9 View workout
12/12/16 2,500m 9:05.4 1:49.0

warm up

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12/10/16 6,000m 20:51.3 1:44.2

My first world record. 44 s/m. dragfactor 151. heartrate 172/189

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12/10/16 500m 1:44.5 1:44.5 View workout