Derek Farman


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/09/19 1,000m 3:57.6 1:58.8

10x100m; 1 min rowed 'rests' 1.58.8/500m; 33 spm. Hard graft.

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06/09/19 3,000m 17:38.6 2:56.4

Warm up. 1x3000m; 1.56.4/500 metres; 22 spm

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06/07/19 500m 2:22.6 2:22.6

Time Trial. Pleased but am sure I can go much faster.

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06/07/19 4,000m 22:02.3 2:45.2

8x500m; 2.45.2/500m; 23spm. Pleased with session after two recent strike outs

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06/06/19 6,178m 37:35.1 3:02.5

Every intention of rowing 10,000 metres but struck down with chronic heart burn. Nothing that Omiprozole cant cure. 3,02.5/500m.spm 21<…

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06/05/19 11,624m 30:00.0 2:34.8

1x30 mins through The Ardennes (via video alas).94 watts; 71 rpm.
Good and enjoyable ride.

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06/04/19 6,000m 35:45.9 2:58.8

A much easier session than yesterday...4x1500m' 2 min irests, 2.58.8/500m; 20 spm

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06/03/19 1,000m 4:53.8 2:26.9

Time Trial that was n't. Warm up fine but as soon as I hit the 750 m mark, I felt like death warmed up...2.26.9/500m, 25 spm. How…

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06/03/19 2,040m 12:00.0 2:56.4

2 mins 56.2/500m;21spm. Warm up II for 1000m time trial

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06/03/19 5,279m 15:00.0 2:50.4

Warm up...71 av watts; 65rpm

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06/01/19 1,500m 6:34.0 2:11.3

15 x 100m 1 min rests; 2.11.3/500m; 27spm
The 27spm were achieved entirely by leg shoot/core/arm stroke, not on the speed of return.…

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06/01/19 3,566m 20:00.0 2:48.2

1x 20 mins. Warm up. 2.48.2/500 metres; 21spm

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05/31/19 8,000m 47:41.6 2:58.8

8x1000 metres; 2 minute rests; 2.58.8/500m; 21spm.
An easy session after yesterday's exertions. I aimed to do each interval in…

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05/30/19 6,000m 32:11.7 2:40.9

Fastest 1x6000 this season and for much of last...2.40.9/22spm

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05/30/19 6,000m 14:42.0 2:27.0

1x6000metres; Av watts 108; 74 rpm
Pleased with time as I had envisaged this ride as a warm up for the 6000m row.

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05/29/19 6,000m 32:30.3 2:42.5

12x500m 2 min rests;
2.42.5/500; 21spm
Pleased with session-esp technique

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05/28/19 9,000m 21:59.6 2:26.6

3x3000 metres;2 min rests; ave wattage111; 70 rpm
#1. 7.33.6 1…

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05/27/19 6,000m 35:43.3 2:58.6

Steady row aiming at 22spm and 36 mins

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05/25/19 4,500m 20:54.6 2:19.4

6x750: 2mins rests

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05/24/19 4,000m 18:45.0 2:20.6

8x500metres/1min 30secs rest

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