Richard Galbraith


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
07/21/06 16,000m 1:09:21.2 2:10.0

Felt good for the first 10k, then slowed to 2:12 per 500m. Had music on. Did 20mins on cross trainer.

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07/20/06 15,000m 1:04:55.8 2:09.8

Felt good the first 5k. Next 5k was exhausting. Took 1m break at 9k. Pushed last 500meters. Finished workout after

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07/18/06 8,010m 34:00.0 2:07.3

Was going for an hour. ABPM were low, but no energy. Finished work out here.

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07/17/06 14,044m 1:00:00.0 2:08.1

Felt quite easy, although pushed the last 10 minutes. 872 kcal. Did 60 mins on cross trainer after with 1007 kca

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07/13/06 12,000m 51:49.0 2:09.5

Felt ok. Stopped for a few secs at 6k for water. Did an hour on cross trainer. kcal burned = 1590

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07/12/06 10,000m 42:55.8 2:08.7

Few days off. Felt ok. Did 50 mins on cross trainer after this.

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07/07/06 6,850m 30:00.0 2:11.3

Had just finished some weights, and was getting distracted with someone asking me how to use a rower.

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07/04/06 5,000m 21:50.2 2:11.0

Hamburg Fitness 1st. 3G.

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06/01/06 7,351m 30:00.0 2:02.4

Reasonable constant workout. 164bpm. Faithless on ipod.

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05/31/06 10,000m 41:05.0 2:03.2

Quite reasonable speed. Felt good.

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05/26/06 7,390m 30:00.0 2:01.7

used ipod. Good rower to keep pace with next machine. High bpm at end, but recovery good. Average 165bpm.

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05/24/06 7,235m 30:00.0 2:04.3

Felt quite easy. Average heart rate about 155bpm.

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05/23/06 7,160m 30:00.0 2:05.6

Started off slow as I was going for an hour. Heart rate very low 157bpm average. Obviously a bit slower.

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05/22/06 7,321m 30:00.0 2:02.9

Quite fast. Quite high abpm = 170bpm. Continuous row. Bad rower beside me though...

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05/19/06 3,000m 12:00.0 2:00.0

Fast for this time, but got disturbed by other rower. Need to get headphone for exercise. Did 15 min on strider l

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05/18/06 4,345m 18:00.0 2:04.2

Good pace at 2min/500m. Loser unfit person started, and I didn't want to lose concentration so stopped.

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05/11/06 10,000m 41:35.4 2:04.7

abpm = 166. No stop. Was put off by guy on rower next to me pushing himself, but not going anywhere.

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05/08/06 10,000m 41:31.9 2:04.5

abpm = 164, max = 175. Managed to do in one sitting.

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05/05/06 9,343m 40:00.0 2:08.4

abpm = 167. Felt good though. Max = 183 for last push in 90 seconds.

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05/04/06 7,223m 30:00.0 2:04.6

abpm = 165. Managed very consistent speed this time.

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