Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/12/21 3,425m 15:54.8 2:19.3

just ski. recovery session. rested when heartrate hit 140 or 150. total 30 min incl rest. lowest condition in my life. My mental health h…

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03/12/21 125m 0:09.4 1:15.2

Finally my BikeErg is fixed. Got new bottom part. I'll take it easy at the start. Did calibration 2 days ago, 1 set yesterday and ca…

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02/15/21 38m 0:06.1 1:20.2 View workout
02/14/21 36m 0:05.5 1:16.3

Max 1076 watt (1:08.8)

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02/12/21 79m 0:05.6 1:10.8

This was only second warm up set and I saw 1434 watt. (1:02.5), that was really promising for later sets. Next set the BikeErg broke at t…

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02/11/21 100m 0:06.8 1:08.0

ave 1:07.8 PB. Max 1452 watt (1:02.2). Start ave 492 watt (1:29.3) PB. Start felt really good.

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02/10/21 100m 0:06.8 1:08.0

ave 1:08.3. Max 1430 watt (1:02.6). Start ave 476 watt (1:30.3) PB.

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02/07/21 100m 0:06.8 1:08.0

ave 1:08.3. Max 1444 watt (1:02.3)

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02/07/21 100m 0:06.9 1:09.0

ave 1:08.7

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02/06/21 100m 0:06.9 1:09.0

ave 1:08.6. Max 1428 watt (1:02.6). Overall it was little worse than yesterday, but got a good feeling last set, so it was about the same…

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02/05/21 100m 0:06.8 1:08.0

ave 1:08.5. Max 1425 watt (1:02.6) Not done BikeErg for 11 days because of over training. Better today. Start ave 472 watt (1:30.5) PB. F…

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01/31/21 38m 0:05.9 1:17.6 View workout
01/25/21 100m 0:07.0 1:10.0

max 1:04. Over trained. 4 days in a row with max power sprints and the two 200m TT yesterday was really bad for power today. Need many mo…

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01/24/21 200m 0:13.5 1:07.5

SB. Mesh on, static start. ave 1:07.7. Start ave 1:33.6, max 1:02, end 1:08.

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01/24/21 200m 0:13.4 1:07.0

Mesh off DF 281. ave 1:07.2. exactly 0.5/1000m (0.1 sec) faster than Mesh on DF 220. Don't know if its allowed so I don't rank…

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01/23/21 100m 0:06.8 1:08.0

Tried mesh off for the first time. DF 286. 1:08.2 ave. Better start and slower ending. On 200m it probably wouldn't be any differenc…

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01/23/21 100m 0:06.9 1:09.0

mesh on DF 218. 1:09 ave

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01/22/21 100m 0:06.9 1:09.0

bad weather outside? Max DF was 215 instead of 231 last workout. 112 rpm can have been PB. But only 1425 watt max. everything felt good e…

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01/22/21 67m 0:04.8 1:11.6 View workout
01/22/21 66m 0:04.9 1:14.2 View workout