Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/22/20 376m 1:20.0 1:46.3

Cardio don't feel right for me. My calf is getting better, so I can start to focus on max power again. That gives me more happiness…

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12/22/20 322m 1:10.0 1:48.6 View workout
12/22/20 2,000m 7:17.1 1:49.2 View workout
12/21/20 10,176m 37:00.0 1:49.0

Last interval 15 bpm lower heartrate and 1.7/500m faster than 3 days ago.

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12/20/20 10,196m 37:00.0 1:48.8 View workout
12/19/20 7,152m 26:00.0 1:49.0 View workout
12/19/20 2,229m 8:00.0 1:47.6 View workout
12/19/20 275m 1:00.0 1:49.0 View workout
12/19/20 653m 2:20.0 1:47.1 View workout
12/18/20 10,541m 38:00.0 1:48.1 View workout
12/16/20 60m 0:36.8 10:13.3

Tested standing start (not seated). Muscle tear left calf again. Got it first time a few month ago when I ran up a step uphill max effort…

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12/16/20 67m 0:04.8 1:11.6

PB start ave split: 1:31.9. breathing out 5 pedaling at the start, then normal. Max 1:03

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12/16/20 66m 0:04.8 1:12.7 View workout
12/16/20 67m 0:04.8 1:11.6 View workout
12/16/20 67m 0:04.8 1:11.6 View workout
12/16/20 66m 0:04.8 1:12.7

Testing right or left leg start. No difference in strength, but right leg to start with feels better.

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12/15/20 100m 0:06.9 1:09.0

SB. Better start today. Start ave split was 1:33.1 (yesterday start 1:35.7 ave) Max 1:03.

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12/15/20 66m 0:04.8 1:12.7 View workout
12/14/20 100m 0:07.0 1:10.0

Sore left elbow, so time for BikeErg. Not trained BikeErg for over a month, so felt good that this was better than my last workout, Max 1…

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12/13/20 100m 0:13.8 1:09.0

Start 1:40, 1:25, 1:09, 1:07, 1:06... End 1:09. ave 1:08.9

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