Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/08/20 47m 0:06.7 1:11.2 View workout
12/08/20 48m 0:06.9 1:11.8 View workout
12/08/20 152m 0:30.0 1:38.6 View workout
12/08/20 149m 0:30.0 1:40.6 View workout
12/08/20 197m 0:39.0 1:38.9 View workout
12/07/20 100m 0:13.8 1:09.0

SB. Start 1:41. Max 1:06. End 1:09. Very good start, but lost the feeling in the end. Lucky rounding. 1:09.2 rounded down to 1:09. Last t…

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12/07/20 47m 0:06.7 1:11.2 View workout
12/07/20 193m 0:39.0 1:41.0 View workout
12/07/20 188m 0:39.0 1:43.7 View workout
12/06/20 214m 0:45.0 1:45.1 View workout
12/05/20 216m 0:45.0 1:44.1 View workout
12/04/20 100m 0:13.9 1:09.5

SB. Start 1:44, Max 1:06, End 1:08. Can improve start pull a lot with training. My best start pull is 1:32, Make a huge difference to get…

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12/04/20 47m 0:06.8 1:12.3

Max 1:06. Best I seen in a year :) Also did more sets before without programming, just 5-7 pulls up to max speed. Got 1:18 at 38 s/m. And…

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12/04/20 262m 0:55.0 1:44.9 View workout
12/03/20 259m 0:55.0 1:46.1 View workout
12/02/20 78m 0:15.3 1:38.0

Back to max power training, Last pull 1:37 at 21 s/m. Try to wash away that crazy idea of 4 min PB and focus on my best talent.

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12/02/20 873m 2:45.7 1:34.9

4 min fail. Perfect start, let the speed and strokerate drop. Just focus on feeling and technique. It got to hard feeling for me to finis…

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12/02/20 328m 1:10.0 1:46.7 View workout
12/01/20 628m 2:03.9 1:38.6

tested a slower more even pace. It don't work, akward rythm in the beginning. And run out of stroke rate after 2 min. And the heartr…

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12/01/20 564m 1:44.6 1:32.7

This seems to be the perfect start for a 4 min TT. 48 s/m with good feeling and just let the speed drop with even feeling.

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