
Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
09/03/23 100m 0:26.4 2:12.0

100 Meters - Row - C2 Rankings & Challenges

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09/03/23 797m 5:00.0 3:08.2

a) 5 minute Warm up
Get Fit 5 min warmup.

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08/18/23 4,231m 28:00.0 3:18.5

RA57 - 40 mins - 10kW3S2
10kW3S2 - youtu.be/6CVgrKPtCRk

Change through

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08/17/23 253m 2:00.0 3:57.1

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
30x30 cool down

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08/17/23 4,865m 28:00.0 2:52.6

RA56 - 8min x 5 at 24spm - 10kW3S1
10kW3S1 - youtu.be/ErYH4DTyUzM

Row the first 5 m…

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08/13/23 4,696m 27:00.0 2:52.4

RA55 - 20x1min - 10kW2S5
10kW2S5 - youtu.be/zOOFUfh5BSk

Row each interval at max po…

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08/12/23 6,411m 39:00.0 3:02.4

RA54 - 3 x 11 mins 10kW2S4
10kW2S4 - youtu.be/KEokcoRtnbU

Row 3 x 11 mins at 18/22/…

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08/11/23 5,033m 32:47.0 3:15.4

RA53 - 12min x 3 - 10kW2S3
10KW2S3 - youtu.be/WqMHlhCZecs

Row the first eight minut…

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08/09/23 6,823m 41:00.0 3:00.2

RA52 - 35mins 20spm - 10kW2S2
10kW2S2 - youtu.be/lNJKkfY7KPc

Row 35 minutes at 20sp…

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08/08/23 8,532m 51:00.0 2:59.3

RA49 - 3 x 15min - 10kW2S1
10kW2S1 - youtu.be/8frt-fHlNXk

You don’t have to d…

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08/07/23 4,874m 29:42.7 3:02.8 View workout
08/06/23 6,117m 42:00.0 3:25.9

RA48 - 3 x 12mins - Full Workout - 10kW1S4
10kW1S4 - youtu.be/wXIZPsX1B7w

Row 3 x 1…

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08/04/23 7,707m 46:00.0 2:59.0

RA47 - 40 minute push pace - 10KW1S3
10KW1S3 - youtu.be/vkUUCZN4xM0

Start at 2k+25…

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08/03/23 5,908m 36:00.0 3:02.8

RA50 - 30mins 20spm - 10KW1S2
10KW1S2 - youtu.be/cH2br4dUmTE

Row 30 mins at 20 stro…

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08/02/23 7,814m 56:00.0 3:34.9

RA46 - 5 x 10min /90sec - 10KW1S1
10KW1S1 - youtu.be/faujjz9E8E0

A stand-alone work…

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08/01/23 3,850m 24:08.0 3:08.0

Build Me Up No 6 - 20 min

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07/31/23 2,882m 19:15.0 3:20.3

Build Me Up No 5 - 15 min

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07/30/23 2,606m 16:15.0 3:07.0

Build Me Up No 4 - 12 min

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07/29/23 2,248m 18:44.0 4:10.0

Build Me Up No 3 - 10 min
10 min Row youtu.be/vBlrKZsFiPs
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07/28/23 1,877m 16:00.0 4:15.7

BMU 2 - 7 min
7 min Row youtu.be/WbM5SHhn_dU

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