Jules Bardwell


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/02/24 2,825m 12:00.0 2:07.4 View workout
05/02/24 3,976m 17:30.0 2:12.0 View workout
04/30/24 3,503m 15:00.0 2:08.4

5/4/3/2/1 minutes with 2 minutes rest
Intervals of 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute. 2 minutes rest between each…

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04/30/24 5,646m 25:00.0 2:12.8

10 x 2:30 / 30 seconds easy
10 work intervals of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, with 30 seconds recovery between each interval.

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04/30/24 5,000m 21:26.5 2:08.6

5 x 1000m
5 x 1000m with 20 seconds rest

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04/29/24 4,282m 19:00.0 2:13.1

3/4/5/4/3 minutes with 2 minutes rest
An interval pyramid starting at 3 minutes, increasing by 1 minute each interval to a maximum of…

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04/29/24 3,285m 16:00.0 2:26.1

Triple Tabata
8 sets of 20 seconds hard followed by 10 seconds easy. Rest for 4 minutes. Repeat the 8 sets. Rest for 4 minutes. Repea…

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04/28/24 4,470m 20:00.0 2:14.2

4 x 5 min / 2 min easy
Four 5 minute pieces. Two minutes at light pressure between each piece.

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04/28/24 4,642m 20:00.0 2:09.2

8/6/4/2 minutes with 3 minutes rest
An 8 minute work interval, then a 6 minute work interval, then 4 minutes, then 2 minutes. 3 minut…

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04/27/24 5,000m 21:25.9 2:08.5 View workout
04/27/24 3,500m 15:03.7 2:09.1 View workout
04/27/24 2,339m 10:00.0 2:08.2 View workout
04/26/24 3,000m 13:20.4 2:13.4 View workout
04/26/24 3,538m 15:00.0 2:07.1 View workout
04/26/24 2,399m 10:20.2 2:09.2 View workout
04/25/24 3,000m 12:58.5 2:09.7 View workout
04/24/24 4,000m 17:06.0 2:08.2 View workout
04/15/24 2,538m 10:00.0 1:58.2 View workout
04/15/24 5,000m 20:11.2 2:01.1 View workout
04/13/24 3,749m 16:00.0 2:08.0

4 x 4 min / 3 min easy
Do four 4 minute pieces. Row for three minutes at light pressure between each piece.

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