kienan garn


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/27/20 2,000m 8:12.0 2:03.0

First interval. Felt decent

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01/26/20 7,500m 32:51.2 2:11.4

Start of week 6. No improvement in ROM but pace is still getting better.

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01/24/20 4,530m 20:00.0 2:12.4

Just realized I mixed up weeks 5 and 6. Oh well, decent end to week 5. Back feeling a little tight though.

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01/23/20 7,500m 34:07.0 2:16.4

Took it a little easier on the pace and had some unplanned clocked breaks

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01/22/20 2,000m 8:34.6 2:08.6

Supposed to do intervals but back was acting up so I stopped.

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01/20/20 7,000m 30:48.5 2:12.0

Real slow start but got into a rhythm towards the end. Pain in my hip almost the whole time.

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01/18/20 2,500m 10:52.2 2:10.4

Last workout of week 4 of 24week Pete Plan. Skipped second interval. Still limited ROM

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01/17/20 6,000m 26:26.8 2:12.2

Forced myself to workout so took it a little easier with the pace

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01/15/20 6,500m 28:14.4 2:10.3

Better than a couple days ago so I guess I'll take it

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01/14/20 1,000m 4:05.9 2:02.9

Last interval and somehow the best

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01/14/20 1,000m 4:16.6 2:08.3 View workout
01/14/20 1,000m 4:20.4 2:10.2

Still not full ROM. But feeling better on the rower

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01/13/20 6,500m 28:55.0 2:13.4

Start of week 4 of Pete Plan. ROM slowly improving

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01/09/20 500m 1:45.1 1:45.1

Had damper on 3 and was around 41spm. 10s improvement from last time and not bad considering limited ROM

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01/09/20 1,098m 5:00.0 2:16.6

Warm up.

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01/08/20 5,000m 22:51.3 2:17.1

Real slow start, really dragging today. Picked up the pace at the end though. Slowly getting some more ROM. Also put drag at 1 to test it…

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01/07/20 6,000m 27:11.1 2:15.9

Felt awful. Can get full ROM but only for a stroke or two then pain.

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01/06/20 2,000m 8:38.9 2:09.7

2nd interval sort of died, still limited ROM.

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01/06/20 2,000m 8:26.8 2:06.7

Not bad for my first interval. Still limited ROM but felt good from yesterday

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01/05/20 6,000m 26:17.0 2:11.4

Slow start but ROM improved last half. Still some back pain

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