Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/30/20 1,000m 3:10.3 1:35.1 View workout
03/27/20 200m 0:12.8 1:04.0

Flying start PB. Max speed 1:01, End 1:07.

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03/27/20 900m 1:23.1 1:32.3

9x100m. Last one static start 6.8 sec, 1:08.7 ave PB. Max speed 1:01.

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03/26/20 250m 0:41.4 1:22.8

Felt really good and relaxed.

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03/26/20 900m 2:39.1 1:28.3

9x100m Last 2 sets 1:10 finish

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03/24/20 200m 0:13.5 1:07.5 View workout
03/24/20 900m 1:22.2 1:31.3 View workout
03/22/20 500m 1:30.5 1:30.5

Preparing for 500m TT next month. My PB is 1:23.3 that I have gotten 2 times. first time feb 2018, second time July 2019. And in feb 2020…

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03/22/20 1,000m 2:56.2 1:28.1 View workout
03/20/20 200m 0:13.4 1:07.0

Static start PB. 1:06.7 ave, that rounded up to 1:07. Max 1:01 PB, End 1:05. Max heartrate 186.

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03/20/20 1,200m 1:45.1 1:27.5

Tested different start pedal position. about straight up was best. horizontal was worse.

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03/18/20 322m 1:00.0 1:33.1

25 strokes. Max effort

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03/18/20 800m 2:25.5 1:30.9 View workout
03/17/20 221m 1:06.1 2:29.5 View workout
03/16/20 200m 0:13.6 1:08.0

static start. Max 1:03, End 1:06. I have done a lot of 100m intervals on SkiErg lately with only 1-2 min rest. And now my body have respo…

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03/16/20 100m 0:07.2 1:12.0 View workout
03/16/20 1,000m 1:29.2 1:29.2


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03/14/20 1,000m 2:43.2 1:21.6 View workout
03/12/20 200m 0:13.5 1:07.5

equal PB static start. Breathing normal this time. Little lower max speed when breathing but better ending. Max 1:03. end 1:05 PB.

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03/12/20 2,200m 3:14.1 1:28.2 View workout