Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
07/05/20 2,000m 3:39.8 1:49.9 View workout
07/05/20 2,000m 3:39.7 1:49.8 View workout
07/03/20 4,000m 7:19.7 1:49.9

2x2km. good feeling

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07/01/20 4,000m 7:04.8 1:46.2 View workout
06/29/20 4,000m 6:52.8 1:43.2 View workout
06/23/20 1,475m 5:03.3 3:25.6 View workout
06/22/20 4,200m 6:51.8 1:38.0

6x700m. good feeling

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06/21/20 4,200m 6:34.9 1:34.0

First 4 intervals with no calories. Then I drank some coca cola and I got better energy on the 2 last intervals. Felt harder than yesterd…

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06/20/20 4,000m 6:20.2 1:35.0

Felt great. I having fun with no pressure. I improving with good feeling. theese 500m intervals felt better than 200m intervals a few day…

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06/19/20 4,000m 6:26.4 1:36.6

Felt great. leg endurance have came back very fast in a few days. It's not only to loose weight to get better condition. I also need…

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06/18/20 4,000m 6:44.4 1:41.1 View workout
06/18/20 4,200m 6:46.7 1:36.8

Felt so much better

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06/17/20 4,200m 7:16.2 1:43.8 View workout
06/17/20 2,340m 9:59.7 2:08.1

Tried to burn some calories but it was really boring and no energy in my arms. I will try to loose some more weight and do a proper come…

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06/17/20 4,000m 6:42.0 1:40.5

Not done BikeErg for over a month. Start to prepare for 4km BikeErg next month. My condition was good because I have lost some weight. Bu…

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05/12/20 379m 1:00.0 1:19.1

Fly and die. 2 meter from PB. Max 1:12, end 1:26. I'm not as strong as I was last summer, so I am happy with this.

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05/08/20 50m 0:07.4 1:14.0

Max 1:08. No mental strength. Need good mental strength for a few week to get to PB 1:05.

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05/05/20 253m 0:45.1 1:29.1

Max 1:08

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05/03/20 200m 0:13.7 1:08.5

Good start. 0.3 sec from PB. Max 1:03, End 1:07. It's a lot about mental strength. I wasn't on fire to get PB today. Feels goo…

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05/03/20 400m 0:31.3 1:18.2 View workout