Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
08/24/20 1,332m 2:12.2 1:39.2 View workout
08/24/20 14,046m 1:00:05.3 2:08.3 View workout
08/23/20 2,000m 3:17.1 1:38.5

PB. saddle height 19. legs was burning, mostly right leg.

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08/23/20 12,011m 1:00:03.6 2:30.0

ave heartrate 117. SB by 7 bpm. My heart response very well to do one hour SkiErg extra per day.

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08/22/20 13,355m 1:00:06.2 2:15.0

ave heartrate 136 which is SB by 5 bpm at this speed, if it's correct. my heartrate strap didn't work all the time. Probably ne…

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08/21/20 2,000m 3:18.2 1:39.1

Saddle height nr 20. +1cm since last time. little less burning in my legs, but failed a bit at 1:39 pace.

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08/21/20 12,105m 1:00:03.1 2:28.8 View workout
08/20/20 12,909m 1:00:02.9 2:19.5 View workout
08/19/20 2,000m 3:20.1 1:40.0

Legs was burning early, but somehow it didn't got much worse.

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08/19/20 12,117m 1:00:07.5 2:28.8

ave heartrate: 131.

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08/18/20 12,963m 1:00:05.8 2:19.0

high heartrate at low speed, means that my base condition has gotten worse. Rest day yesterday and less walking recently is probably the…

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08/16/20 4,000m 6:59.4 1:44.8

Hard start. even heartrate 6 first splits.

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08/15/20 2,000m 7:03.5 1:45.8

Positive splits. SB. Little bit harder in the end compared to even splits. But 2.1/500 faster ave speed. Heartrate 168 in the end. compar…

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08/14/20 738m 1:00.0 1:21.3

Max 1:05, End 1:34. Same End but 5sec/1000 faster Max. Hyperventilated before until my hands got tingeli, Then relaxed during set up and…

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08/14/20 600m 0:48.6 1:21.0 View workout
08/13/20 13,312m 59:06.7 2:13.2

6x5min at 2:00/500m, recovery between at around 2:30 pace. Intresting that heartrate was very high during the recovery. 152 bpm at the en…

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08/12/20 4,000m 7:00.5 1:45.1

Good feeling. Started fast with good feeling, slowed down to find a good feeling pace, then chase a little in the end with no pressure on…

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08/12/20 600m 0:56.3 1:33.8 View workout
08/11/20 2,000m 7:11.9 1:47.9

even pace. 10 bpm higher heartrate than BikeErg. Felt hard. Probably should increase stroke rate for easier feeling.

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08/11/20 200m 0:32.5 1:21.2 View workout