Behr S


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/22/18 1,500m 5:12.8 1:44.2 View workout
06/22/18 2,500m 8:35.5 1:43.1 View workout
06/21/18 2,537m 9:41.6 1:54.6

500m (steady state) x 1 95lbs barbell row x 5 35lbs dumbbell row x 5 (five intervals) 95lbs x 3 strict press x 1 67lbs x 5 strict press x…

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06/19/18 3,000m 10:29.0 1:44.8 View workout
06/18/18 1,000m 3:07.3 1:33.6 View workout
06/17/18 261m 1:07.3 2:08.9

Testing new power and rowing technique

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06/17/18 3,730m 15:00.0 2:00.6

Warm up for the beginning of the 2k Program

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06/08/18 5,062m 19:55.6 1:58.0

Stroke pyramid 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 amount hard amount easy 50 lbs kettlebell swings x 10 or 20 lbs wall ball squat throw x…

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06/07/18 1,524m 5:40.3 1:51.6 View workout
06/06/18 100m 0:18.3 1:31.5 View workout
06/06/18 2,000m 7:28.3 1:52.0

221 x 3 x 5 steady state row 22,24,26,28 per 500 switch stroke rate

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06/05/18 2,000m 7:03.3 1:45.8

Rows before then this tired from finals and rows God bless

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06/04/18 5,298m 20:00.0 1:53.2

5:00 x 4 steady state (230 watt) 4x5 deadlift (fourth was 10 reps)

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06/02/18 1,276m 4:40.8 1:50.0

20:00 for rounds (5 done) 250m hard (1:37-1:40) 20 kettle bell swings (53 pounds) 2 chin-ups 1 Back and forth with 100 pound sand bag

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05/31/18 2,000m 7:02.4 1:45.6

1 hard 1 steady state x4 very sore today from Murph

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05/30/18 100m 0:18.2 1:31.0 View workout
05/30/18 2,000m 7:23.3 1:50.8 View workout
05/29/18 2,500m 9:12.0 1:50.4 View workout
05/28/18 1,770m 6:41.5 1:53.4 View workout
05/27/18 281m 1:05.7 1:56.9 View workout