Paul Johnson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/21/19 5,000m 21:13.2 2:07.3

race tomorrow so easy feet in with 4x 20 stroke bursts

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06/20/19 524m 2:32.7 2:25.7

warm down

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06/20/19 2,000m 6:35.7 1:38.9

8x250 1 min rest

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06/20/19 514m 2:01.7 1:58.3

warm up

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06/19/19 5,000m 20:10.0 2:01.0

Feet out r18 warm up for water outing

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06/18/19 5,000m 19:00.2 1:54.0

feet in fairly hard

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06/18/19 316m 1:05.6 1:43.7

1k bailed

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06/18/19 495m 2:07.3 2:08.5

warm up

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06/16/19 2,000m 8:11.9 2:02.9

warm down after weights

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06/16/19 2,000m 7:52.1 1:58.0

warm up for water session

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06/15/19 5,000m 19:33.4 1:57.3

feet out post water session

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06/14/19 5,000m 20:43.0 2:04.3

Feet out r20 HR 148

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06/13/19 7,430m 30:00.0 2:01.1

Feet out HR 156, ancient model c

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06/11/19 5,000m 19:09.8 1:54.9

feet out 6x250 bursts

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06/11/19 520m 2:04.0 1:59.2 View workout
06/09/19 5,000m 20:23.8 2:02.3

feet out post-race ’warm down’

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06/08/19 5,000m 20:00.5 2:00.0

feet out easy. still got cold, race tomorrow.

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06/07/19 5,000m 19:42.7 1:58.2

feet out with 5x 250 bursts. fairly easy, still got a bit of a cold.

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06/05/19 10,000m 41:41.3 2:05.0

Feet out r20 HR 145 post-cold recuperation

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06/02/19 5,959m 23:41.5 1:59.2 View workout