Ed Connell


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/16/23 2,743m 10:37.8 1:56.2

17strokes; 15s rest x20

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06/16/23 1,106m 5:45.2 2:36.0 View workout
06/15/23 12,614m 1:00:00.0 2:22.6 View workout
06/14/23 5,000m 23:31.8 2:21.1 View workout
06/14/23 3,042m 12:00.0 1:58.3

4s and 2s. Aiming for 200W+ on the 4s

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06/14/23 1,523m 6:06.0 2:00.1

4s and 2s part 1. Clock reset by itself after a few seconds, so I had to wait until the break to set it up again

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06/14/23 1,464m 7:09.7 2:26.7 View workout
06/12/23 10,000m 48:43.9 2:26.1 View workout
06/12/23 6,188m 25:00.0 2:01.2

18/20/22 26/28 x5 30sr

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06/12/23 1,526m 7:16.9 2:23.1 View workout
06/10/23 2,000m 7:24.7 1:51.1 View workout
06/10/23 2,453m 11:12.9 2:17.1 View workout
06/10/23 400m 2:20.4 2:55.5 View workout
06/09/23 1,975m 7:34.8 1:55.1

15s @45 then 1min @32 x5

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06/09/23 1,862m 7:05.2 1:54.1

15s @45 then 1min @32 x5

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06/09/23 948m 4:16.7 2:15.3 View workout
06/08/23 10,000m 44:20.3 2:13.0 View workout
06/07/23 5,000m 22:05.8 2:12.5 View workout
06/07/23 542m 2:00.0 1:50.7 View workout
06/07/23 540m 2:00.0 1:51.1 View workout