Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/11/18 909m 4:00.0 2:12.0 View workout
05/10/18 15,183m 30:00.0 1:58.5

Well. This was a long and harsh day. Travelling back from Mallorca to Lagos.
Been on the road for over 12 hours by car, train, walkin…

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05/02/18 40,000m 1:20:40.9 2:01.0

Triggered by Stan A. decided to give the 40K another try. Again aim was Sub 2:00. Failed last week twice to beat 2:00 and did not even fi…

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05/02/18 500m 2:16.4 2:16.4

Just a 500m. before a 40K Bike TT Trial to keep the heart going.

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05/02/18 30,055m 1:00:00.0 1:59.7

Split time at 40K TT.

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05/01/18 928m 4:00.0 2:09.3

That concludes the first trainings day of the year.
Also with a PB although very early days.

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05/01/18 4,000m 7:29.9 1:52.4

After the 30' a few minutes. Opted for a 4K. Hate it allot on the Rower but have no fear on the Bike.
Target 7:30,0. Was way off…

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05/01/18 15,384m 30:00.0 1:57.0

New season. Done first 3x4´on the Rower.
Wanting to set a distance for the 30'. Seems to be the most popular distance look…

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05/01/18 2,909m 12:00.0 2:03.7 View workout
04/30/18 30,143m 1:00:35.4 2:00.6

Was not to be.
Gave the 40K sub 2:00 another try but looks like not possible. Yesterday made it to 20K sub 2:00 and today to 30K sub.…

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04/29/18 211m 1:16.4 3:01.0 View workout
04/29/18 20,048m 40:18.1 2:00.6

Supposed to so a 40L TT, but was not to be..
Only interested in a Sub: 2:00
Just not good enough today so stopped after 20K

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04/29/18 517m 1:49.4 3:31.6 View workout
04/29/18 254m 1:00.0 1:58.1

Should be able to do this under 2:00 and so I did, but it is very hard work.

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04/29/18 100m 0:22.2 1:51.0

So it is possible to get under 2:00.
This was setting a PB

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04/29/18 500m 2:04.2 2:04.2

Takes a long time to get adapted to this new machine but hopefully will get there 1 dat. Time maybe to improve on some SB & PB´…

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04/29/18 851m 4:00.0 2:21.0

Supposed to so a 40k on the Bike but have a bad right calf. Reluctant to do. Just warming up on the Ski Erg

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04/28/18 30,000m 59:23.0 1:58.7

Want to do a better 40K tomorrow.
Opted for (what I thought) an easier session:3x10K r 2
Target: 1:59,9 - 1:58,9 - 1;57,9

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04/27/18 10,549m 44:39.6 2:07.0 View workout
04/26/18 2,000m 8:57.5 2:14.3

Well it is time for the suffering to start and try a 2K. Target 9:15, but changed that to 9:00,0, during the session. So set a PB at 8:87…

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