Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
04/26/18 882m 4:00.0 2:16.0

Just in the morning a WU to get the body going.
Although I do not like the machine, the good thing is that you can pull it unprepared…

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04/26/18 15,000m 34:59.1 2:19.9

After work and being the whole day in the office I felt like still doing something. Set 15K with Drag at 1 = 48.
Target 2:30. Went fa…

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04/25/18 30,680m 1:00:00.0 1:57.3

OK not many days left in this Rowing/Biking/Skiing year. Had set my mind on what for me is the most important distance which is 60´…

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04/24/18 1,778m 5:05.2 2:51.6 View workout
04/24/18 21,097m 41:19.5 1:57.5

After the off-day yesterday another go at the HM on the Bike. Minimum target 2:00, but from beginning went easy and tried to stay in fron…

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04/23/18 10,518m 45:00.0 2:08.3

Total off-day on the Rower. Drag below 130 for 1 reason or another. Could not keep up the pace (read HR). Struggled to the end

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04/23/18 15,320m 30:00.0 1:57.4

Split time on 60' TT

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04/22/18 191m 1:05.7 2:51.9 View workout
04/22/18 1,609m 7:22.2 2:17.4

Setting a time on the Mile.

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04/22/18 1,000m 4:26.0 2:13.0

Kind of recovery day today. Some workouts and a bit playing with the Ski Erg.

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04/21/18 42,195m 1:26:48.6 2:03.4

Lousy weather so opted for a longer bike ride.
FM /42.195m). Target was around 2:04 but was HR capped. 42 splits starting at HR 121 t…

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04/20/18 913m 4:00.0 2:11.4 View workout
04/20/18 21,097m 41:34.9 1:58.2

Another HM. Target PB of 42:00 but went very easy.
PB by 30 sec. and no strain whatsoever.

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04/19/18 888m 4:00.0 2:15.1 View workout
04/19/18 7,101m 30:00.0 2:06.7 View workout
04/18/18 1,000m 1:43.3 1:43.3

After some rest an attempt to improve on 1K time.
Managed without too much problems. From 1:47,7 down to 1:43,3

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04/18/18 21,097m 42:05.2 1:59.6

Cycling is really easy compared to Rower not even talking about Skiiing.
Anyway another HM. Target split 1 is 2:02,1 and each km. 0,1…

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04/17/18 500m 2:07.1 2:07.1

To finish the session with a 500m. on Ski Erg. HR 156 after 2 minutes pfff
Slight PB

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04/17/18 3,585m 15:00.0 2:05.5

After dome rest a 15´piece on the Rower. Target splits around 2:06

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04/17/18 21,097m 42:47.8 2:01.7

The new Bike and Ski Erg definately bring in more variation to the training.
Today same as yesterday only higher Drag 125 opposed to…

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