Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/09/18 3,601m 15:00.0 2:04.9 View workout
01/06/18 10,549m 44:45.2 2:07.2

And another one

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01/01/18 10,549m 44:39.5 2:07.0

Long time ago I did an over 30´ session.
QM as expected mot easy

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12/30/17 3,430m 15:00.0 2:11.1

Kind of CD

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12/30/17 3,000m 11:48.2 1:58.0

15´WU followed by 6x500m r1 and finishing with 15´CD
Well CD, does not feel like that.

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12/30/17 3,587m 15:00.0 2:05.4

WU at HR 140

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12/26/17 2,000m 7:53.2 1:58.3

4x500m r1'

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12/25/17 1,000m 3:56.6 1:58.3

After too long a rest a 1K
target some 1:56,0 but was not too be.
Only remarkable thing was the last 100n. in 1:46,5

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12/25/17 10,016m 42:39.1 2:07.7

Had in mind to do 60´and aiming for 2:08,0 but that was a couple of bridges too far.
Had to cut if off after 10k

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12/24/17 2,000m 7:59.4 1:59.8

OK as always counting on my left over in the tank. After 1750m. 2:00,5 Avg.
Sub a bit of Sub 7...anyway the old man cannot ha…

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12/24/17 2,000m 8:14.7 2:03.6

After a pretty hard 45´on the StatBike wanted to see if I could do a 2K sub 8:00.
First a WU 8:15/16

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12/23/17 10,549m 44:43.3 2:07.1

Quite some time ago I managed to do a 1/4 Marathon.
Target 2:08,0 (FM 3:00:00,0). and Half way till 140 and 2nd. part up to 152

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12/20/17 7,229m 30:00.0 2:04.4

Today another 30´and should go better than last night.
Target around 7.200m.
Was possible to do a kind of after summer SB.…

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12/19/17 7,156m 30:00.0 2:05.7

At the end of the day and feeling tired decided to drag myself to the Erg.
Once there it is OK and eager to finish.

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12/17/17 7,203m 30:00.0 2:04.9

Another small step forwards with a first 7200+ after the Summer with hardly any training.

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12/16/17 7,179m 30:00.0 2:05.3

Nearly 2 months ago that I did a 30' piece. Object was 30 splits of 1´strating at HR 123 climbing to HR 152

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12/15/17 6,000m 23:58.5 1:59.8

Again total lack of time and energy to work out.
Opted for the same session as last week 8x750 r1´, but with a slightly faster…

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12/13/17 6,000m 23:55.1 1:59.5 View workout
12/10/17 3,630m 15:00.0 2:03.9

After 30´on the Bike.
Very messy but kind of Okish

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12/09/17 5,000m 20:33.1 2:03.3

Supposed to do 8x1000m. r 1:30
Starting at 2::06 - 2:05 - 2:04 - 2:03 - 2:01

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