Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
09/23/18 14,505m 30:00.0 2:04.0

It is pretty hot for the time of the year- Well over 35,0+C. Been busy the whole day with all and nothing.
At the end of the say 18:…

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09/22/18 30,110m 1:00:00.0 1:59.5

Another rest day yesterday and full summer with 30C+ already for some time. Again no great HRV 6 after yesterday´s 3!. Despite that…

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09/20/18 3,351m 15:00.0 2:14.2

Some rest and 15´om the Ski Erg

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09/20/18 3,597m 15:07.0 2:06.0

Yesterday first day of no training in maybe 3 months.
Low on trainings energy, high on working energy.
Rowing is hard. 15min.

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09/20/18 7,271m 15:00.0 2:03.7

Some rest and another 15' now on the BE. Not great

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09/18/18 42,195m 1:29:57.0 2:07.9

HRV now back to 9, but pretty hot outside. Opted for a long Bike Session. Now 42.195m. Easy cycling up to halfway and Capped HR 152. Some…

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09/17/18 21,097m 43:58.1 2:05.0

Had a very bad HRV reading so opted for a longer ride with Capped HR 140 and incourant distance for Biking HM = 21097m.

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09/16/18 30,064m 1:00:00.0 1:59.7

Last week had set my mind already on breaking my 70+ Best 60´Time Trial. Then I got injured.
Today, in fact, a bit too warm. An…

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09/15/18 3,680m 15:00.0 2:02.2

Some rest 10' and now a 15´on the Rower. Target +pace should be 2:04, 0 or faster. Under 2:03,0 relatively easy. MHR target 15…

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09/15/18 3,411m 15:00.0 2:11.9

Never know what I will do every day.
Opted for a 15' start on the SkiErg.
Traget 2:15,0 should be doable. Strange that in be…

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09/15/18 7,503m 15:00.0 1:59.9

To finish today´s session another 15´mow on the Bike. See if I can do 2:00 not exceeding HR 152. Just done it.

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09/14/18 3,218m 6:03.6 1:52.9

3218 is equal to the MILE on Rower. Okish. Would be nice to dive under 6:00 which will be done one day. Nice negative split.

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09/14/18 10,000m 19:19.0 1:55.9

1oK on the Bike compared to 5K on Rower. Object closer to 1:56,0

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09/14/18 12,000m 23:22.9 1:56.9

Opting for some different distances basically to see how they compare with a similar distance of the RowErg. 12K on the Bike is 6K on the…

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09/13/18 218m 0:29.8 2:16.6 View workout
09/13/18 20,000m 39:23.3 1:58.1

Still hot with around 30,0ºC. Decided to do another 20K like yesterday, but only with a bit faster start. AVG HR just a bit higher t…

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09/12/18 20,000m 39:38.3 1:58.9

Just wanting to do a 20K under 2:00. Kind of easy, 30´split time and 15.117m.

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09/11/18 3,346m 15:00.0 2:14.4

To finish today´s session a 15' piece of the SE which as expected is tuff with high HR. Target 2:18, and after that 2:15 endin…

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09/11/18 3,626m 15:00.0 2:04.1

After some rest a 15' piece on the RE. Not easy

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09/11/18 15,112m 30:19.7 2:00.4

The injury turned out to be controllable. Yesterday half an hour on the mountain Bike just doing 10+K
Wanted to do attack at 60´…

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