Duncan Moncrieff


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
04/26/22 1,000m 4:23.1 2:11.5

Level 1: 8 X 500m
500m from stops. aim for 5 min per 500m, set rest time for active recovery to 3 minutes @ 2:53/500m, 14-16 spm. Cha…

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04/26/22 4,014m 19:21.2 2:24.6

Level 1 Warm up based on 1:59.0 2k pace:
0-> 100m @ 2:14.0 @ 26-27spm (70% 2k W)
->1000m @ 2:48.0 @ 14-16spm (L4 recup pace…

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04/25/22 10,000m 2:08:00.0 6:24.0

Aller retour vers St Chamas

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04/23/22 2,013m 10:45.7 2:40.3

target L4 recup pace: 2:48 @ 14-16 spm based on 2k pace of 1:59 / 500m

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04/23/22 10,951m 50:00.0 2:16.9

Level 4 5x10min, rest 3:20; based on 1:59/500m
196 (2@18, 2:24; 2@20, 2:19; 2@22, 2:14; 2@20, 2:19; 2@18, 2:24)
200 (4@18, 2:24;…

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04/23/22 727m 4:53.8 3:22.0

Keeping warm before starting session.

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04/23/22 2,011m 9:33.4 2:22.5

Level 4 Warm up based on 1:59 2k pace:
0-> 200m @ 2:14 @ 26-27spm
->850m @ 2:48 @ 14-16spm
->1000m @ 2:03.3 @ 28-30s…

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04/21/22 2,016m 10:51.4 2:41.5

target L4 recup pace: 2:48 @ 14-16 spm based on 2k pace of 1:59 / 500m

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04/21/22 2,000m 8:28.2 2:07.0

Level 2 4 x 2k with 13 minutes rest planned. Target is 2:10.1
Interval 2 of 2.
Average pace of the two runs 2:06.4

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04/21/22 858m 5:16.1 3:04.2

Level 2 recup @ 2:48 @ 14-16spm. Total rest time around 13-15 minutes

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04/21/22 2,000m 8:23.3 2:05.8

Level 2 4 x 2k with 13 minutes rest planned. Target is 2:10.1
Interval 1 of 2.
Average pace of the two runs 2:06.4

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04/21/22 4,009m 19:29.4 2:25.8

Level 2 Warm up based on 1:59.0 2k pace:
0-> 100m @ 2:14.0 @ 26-27spm (70% 2k W)
->1000m @ 2:48.0 @ 14-16spm (L4 recup pace…

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04/20/22 12,742m 1:00:00.0 2:21.2

Level 4 60min based on 1:59/500m
178 (2@17, 2:26; 2@19, 2:21; 2@17, 2:26; 2@19, 2:21; 2@17, 2:26)
180 (4@16, 2:29; 3@18, 2:24; 2@…

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04/20/22 2,015m 9:44.3 2:24.9

Level 4 Warm up based on 1:59 2k pace:
0-> 200m @ 2:14 @ 26-27spm
->850m @ 2:48 @ 14-16spm
->1000m @ 2:03.3 @ 28-30s…

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04/18/22 2,000m 10:00.0 2:30.0

target L4 recup pace: 2:53 @ 14-16 spm

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04/18/22 12,575m 1:00:00.0 2:23.1

Level 4 60min based on 2:03/500m
172 (2@18, 2:29; 2@16, 2:34; 2@18, 2:29; 2@16, 2:34; 2@18, 2:29)
180 (4@16, 2:34; 3@18, 2:29; 2@…

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04/18/22 2,015m 10:06.1 2:30.3

Level 4 Warm up based on 2:03 2k pace:
0-> 200m @ 2:18.5 @ 26-27spm
->850m @ 2:53 @ 14-16spm
->1000m @ 2:07.4 @ 28-3…

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04/18/22 10,500m 2:00:00.0 5:42.8

2x towards point of St Chamas and back

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04/17/22 9,011m 1:40:53.0 5:35.8

Virée en yolette, manoeuvres et virages
Laurence a le bar; Béatrice, Duncan, Noëlle, Rémy.

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04/16/22 10,685m 50:00.0 2:20.3

Level 4 5x10min, rest 3:20; based on 2:03/500m
196 (2@18, 2:29; 2@20, 2:24; 2@22, 2:18; 2@20, 2:24; 2@18, 2:19)
198 (2@19, 2:26;…

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