Dean Clapham


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
10/17/16 10,000m 46:17.9 2:18.8

Recovery row. 10K with HR<120.

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10/06/16 10,000m 45:20.7 2:16.0

10K @ HR around 120. Not being too strict.

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10/04/16 10,000m 46:24.9 2:19.2

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR<120. Some dodgy data. Still tired from Sunday's Marathon.

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09/26/16 10,000m 45:47.9 2:17.3

Recovery row. 10K with HR<120. Only exceeded twice.

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09/21/16 10,000m 46:15.5 2:18.7

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:10 HR<120 succeeded.

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09/19/16 10,000m 46:39.1 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 HR<120. Easily done.

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09/12/16 10,000m 46:40.9 2:20.0

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20, HR<120. Very close.

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09/08/16 5,000m 23:19.7 2:19.9

Recovering from illness. 5K @2:20. HR about 10 bpm higher than normal - still ill !

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08/31/16 10,000m 46:39.6 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR<120. Exceeded several times. Ran earlier. This was tougher than recently.

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08/29/16 10,000m 46:39.5 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR<120. Succeeded.

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08/22/16 10,000m 46:39.4 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR<120. Succeeded.

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08/17/16 1,064m 5:00.0 2:20.9 View workout
08/17/16 10,000m 46:40.4 2:20.0

Recovery row. 10K@ 2:20 with HR<120. Succeeded.

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08/15/16 10,000m 46:39.9 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @2:20 with HR<120. Succeeded if ignoring the moments when it jumped 10 beats up and down.

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08/11/16 10,000m 46:40.6 2:20.0

Recovery row. 10k @2:20 with HR<120. Exceeded 3 times at end. Hard track run earlier.

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08/10/16 10,000m 46:40.0 2:20.0

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR <120. Easily done.

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08/03/16 10,000m 46:39.3 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR<120. Easily done.

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08/01/16 10,000m 46:40.2 2:20.0

Recovery row. 10K at HR<120, pace 2:20. Succeeded until the very very end.

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07/27/16 10,000m 46:39.7 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K with HR<120 @2:20 pace. Exceeded just a few times at end..

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07/20/16 10,000m 46:35.5 2:19.7

10K taking it easy. It's hot and conserving energy for tomorrow's interval running. Aiming for 2:20 with HR<120. HR went str…

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