Dean Clapham


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/15/17 10,000m 45:51.0 2:17.5

Recovery 10K with HR=<120.

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05/10/17 10,000m 46:28.0 2:19.4

Recovery row. 10K @ approx 2:20. Harder than it should have been. Still fatigued from yesterday's 30 mile run.

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05/03/17 10,000m 46:33.1 2:19.6

Recovery 10K row. Trying to hit 2:20 with each stroke.

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05/01/17 10,000m 46:34.8 2:19.7

10K recovery row. Aiming for 2:20 with each stroke.

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04/30/17 5,000m 23:50.4 2:23.0

Slow 5K after running 13.5 miles earlier.

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04/26/17 10,000m 46:14.7 2:18.7

Recovery row. 10K. HR elevated.

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04/24/17 10,000m 46:23.1 2:19.1

Recovery row. 10K keeping HR=<120. Had to slow in last 2K

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04/17/17 10,000m 47:05.9 2:21.2

Slow 10K. Keeping HR<120. Included break to adjust headphone cable. Might be coming down with post Marathon cold.

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04/10/17 10,000m 44:35.0 2:13.7

10K row without a focus.

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04/09/17 10,000m 45:17.7 2:15.8

Calves still too tight to run so steady row instead. 10K with increased effort at the end.

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04/08/17 10,000m 46:27.3 2:19.3

Elevated HR, got to 120 very quickly. Probably about to come down with post Marathon cold. Tougher than it should have been for the pace.…

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04/07/17 10,000m 45:14.9 2:15.7

Mixed 10K row. Started with HR<=120. Increased effort in last 3K, blasted final 500m.

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03/13/17 10,000m 46:28.7 2:19.4

Recover row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR=<120

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03/08/17 10,000m 45:38.9 2:16.9

Recovery row. 10K with HR=<120. Target 2:17. Had to exceed in last 500m to hit 2:16.9

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03/06/17 10,000m 44:59.1 2:14.9

Recovery row that kept changing. Started as 10K with HR<= 120, then changed to pace avg of 2:16 before finally becoming pace avg of 2:…

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03/01/17 10,000m 46:39.0 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K @ 2:20 with HR<=120. Easily done.

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02/27/17 10,000m 45:20.6 2:16.0

Recovery row. 10K with HR<=120.

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02/20/17 10,000m 46:39.1 2:19.9

Recovery row. 10K aiming at 2:20 with HR =<120. Easily done.

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02/15/17 10,000m 45:24.6 2:16.2

Recovery row. 10K with HR=<120.

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02/13/17 10,000m 44:49.5 2:14.4

Recovery row. 10K with HR=<120.

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