Dean Clapham


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
07/18/16 5,000m 23:20.2 2:20.0

Recovery 5K. Aiming for 2:20 on every stroke, missed much more this I hit it.

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07/13/16 10,000m 43:49.2 2:11.4

10k HR<140. Started slow, lots of exceeding in last 2.5K.

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07/06/16 10,000m 43:07.5 2:09.3

10K HR<140. Exceeded quite a few times in last 3K where I also had to slow down.

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06/29/16 10,000m 43:12.8 2:09.6

10K HR<140. Exceeded 5 times in last 2K.

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06/23/16 5,000m 20:52.2 2:05.2

5K. No restrictions.

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06/22/16 10,000m 42:59.1 2:08.9

10K HR being erratic so ignored. ( It also misbehaved during today's run ).

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06/20/16 10,000m 43:22.2 2:10.1

10K with HR<140. Exceeded quite a lot in final 3K.

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06/16/16 5,000m 20:17.1 2:01.7

Was going to be 5K with HR<140. Exceeded a few times so abandoned restriction half way and put lots of effort in.

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06/15/16 10,000m 43:15.3 2:09.7

10K HR<140. Exceeded several times. Lots of slowing in last 3K

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06/13/16 10,000m 44:26.8 2:13.3

10K HR<140. Exceeded lots including quite a few 142. Lots of slowing. Ran steady 5K earlier.

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06/08/16 10,000m 43:11.1 2:09.5

10K HR<140. Exceeded lots of times. Had to start slowing >7K left.

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06/06/16 10,000m 43:35.6 2:10.7

10K HR<140. Exceeded once in last 1K.

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05/26/16 10,000m 43:32.3 2:10.6

10000m HR<140 succeeded. Tough going. Ran hills earlier.

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05/25/16 10,000m 43:04.0 2:09.2

10000m HR <140. Just 2 beats over. Ran hard 10k earlier.

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05/24/16 10,000m 43:08.2 2:09.4

10000m HR<140. Just one beat at 141. Had to start slowing with more than 5k left

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05/23/16 10,000m 42:53.9 2:08.6

10000m HR<140 succeeded. Felt tired before but good once started

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05/20/16 10,000m 43:59.1 2:11.9

10000m HR<140 succeeded. Slow start and hard going. Had to slow in last 2k to keep HR down

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05/16/16 10,000m 43:21.8 2:10.0

10000m HR<140. Succeeded. Felt tough today

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05/11/16 10,000m 43:13.6 2:09.6

10000m HR<140. Briefly exceeded a few times

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05/10/16 10,000m 43:53.5 2:11.6

10000m HR<140. Briefly exceeded a few times. Afternoon row

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