
Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/10/23 284m 2:00.0 3:31.2

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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03/10/23 5,289m 30:00.0 2:50.1

RA 30/30-20 w/ Rests

CBDB’s addition of 1 min rests.

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03/10/23 562m 4:00.0 3:33.5

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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03/09/23 4,696m 24:00.0 2:33.3


6 x 4 mins with 3 min rests.

Aim for 2k to 2k…

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03/09/23 634m 4:00.0 3:09.2

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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03/08/23 2,436m 23:59.8 4:55.5

RA AI 2 - 30 mins 20 spm

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03/08/23 534m 4:00.0 3:44.7

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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03/05/23 299m 2:00.0 3:20.6

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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03/05/23 3,145m 16:00.0 2:32.6

RA AI Prep - Row 1
Row 8 x 2 mins with 2 mins rest. If you have a 2k pace, aim for it or faster.

If you don’t, just go…

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03/05/23 570m 4:00.0 3:30.5

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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03/04/23 500m 2:35.1 2:35.1

500 Meters - Row
Male Ranking: log.concept2.com/rankings/2023/row…

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03/04/23 315m 1:56.7 3:05.2 View workout
03/04/23 281m 2:00.0 3:33.5

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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03/04/23 2,000m 10:11.5 2:32.8

2000 Meters - Row
Male Ranking: log.concept2.com/rankings/2023/r…

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03/04/23 2,000m 15:31.8 3:52.9

10,000 Meters - Row w/ 1min rests
Concept2 Ranking Row with 1 min rests
Male Ranking: View workout

03/03/23 286m 2:00.0 3:29.7

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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03/03/23 4,973m 30:00.0 3:00.9

RA 30/30-19

Split the 30 minutes into 6 minute chunks (with no…

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03/03/23 562m 4:00.0 3:33.5

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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03/02/23 4,854m 30:08.4 3:06.2 View workout
03/02/23 594m 4:11.2 3:31.4 View workout