
Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/11/23 3,736m 22:00.0 2:56.6

Get Fit - Row 7 - 3 x 11 minutes

Row 3 x 11 minute intervals a…

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05/11/23 575m 4:00.0 3:28.6

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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05/10/23 262m 2:00.0 3:49.0

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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05/10/23 1,625m 8:00.0 2:27.6

Get Fit - Row 6
High intensity.

20 sec sprint
10 sec rest
Repeat 8 times
3 min Rest

20 sec sprint
10 s…

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05/10/23 767m 5:00.0 3:15.5

a) 5 minute Warm up
Get Fit 5 min warmup.

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05/09/23 287m 2:00.0 3:29.0

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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05/09/23 3,225m 20:00.0 3:06.0

Get Fit - Row 5 - 3 x 10 minutes

This row won't set the w…

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05/09/23 633m 4:00.0 3:09.5

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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05/03/23 285m 2:00.0 3:30.5

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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05/03/23 4,314m 24:00.0 2:46.8

Get Fit - Row 4 - 6 x 4 mins
Row this at Zone 3-4 hr

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05/03/23 549m 4:00.0 3:38.5

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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05/02/23 243m 2:00.0 4:06.9

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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05/02/23 4,362m 30:00.0 3:26.3

Get Fit - Row 3
30 mins with pauses.

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05/02/23 519m 4:00.0 3:51.2

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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04/28/23 286m 2:00.0 3:29.7

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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04/28/23 2,110m 10:00.0 2:22.1

Get Fit - Row 2
10 x 30 sec MAX then 30 second rest
2 mins rest (2:30 really)
Do It again

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04/28/23 622m 4:00.0 3:12.9

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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04/26/23 292m 2:00.0 3:25.4

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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04/26/23 5,109m 30:00.0 2:56.1

Get Fit - Row 1
Row 1 is 2 x 15 mins with 1 min rest. At UT2

For full info, please read the description to this video on my Y…

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04/26/23 579m 4:00.0 3:27.2

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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