
Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/01/23 270m 2:00.0 3:42.2

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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03/01/23 5,122m 30:00.0 2:55.7

RA 30/30-17

A great standalone MAX EFFORT rowing workout - or…

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03/01/23 573m 4:00.0 3:29.4

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/28/23 1,030m 5:07.2 2:29.1

Feb 2023 - FIRT's Countdown - CTC Members

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02/28/23 433m 4:00.0 4:37.1

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/28/23 152m 4:00.0 13:09.4

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/25/23 291m 2:00.0 3:26.1

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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02/25/23 4,884m 30:00.0 3:04.2

RA 30/30-16

Rise up through some stroke rates every 5 minutes…

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02/25/23 587m 4:00.0 3:24.4

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/24/23 3,855m 30:00.0 3:53.4

RA 30/30-15 - Bon Jovi Day!!
We're Half Way there!


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02/24/23 536m 4:00.0 3:43.8

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/22/23 5,591m 39:06.7 3:29.8 View workout
02/21/23 5,086m 30:00.0 2:56.9

RA 30/30-13
Exists for Video Record right now...

Start at 20spm and 2K+18 increase pace by 2 or 3 seconds as you go up to 22…

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02/21/23 584m 4:00.0 3:25.4

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/20/23 2,327m 15:01.0 3:13.5

RA 30/30-12

5 minutes at 22spm gives you a good fitness buildi…

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02/20/23 544m 4:00.0 3:40.5

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/18/23 2,408m 12:00.0 2:29.5

RA 30/30-11

10 x 1 minute sprints with 2 minute paddles in bet…

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02/18/23 161m 1:00.0 3:06.3

RA 30/30-11

10 x 1 minute sprints with 2 minute paddles in bet…

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02/18/23 335m 4:00.0 5:58.2

RA 30/30 - a) 4 minute Warm up
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so that…

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02/17/23 293m 2:00.0 3:24.7

RA 30/30 - b) 2 minute Cool Down
The 30 minutes of 30s sessions don't include the WarmUp and CoolDown - this is to make it so th…

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