Evan Williams


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/28/22 12,307m 56:00.0 2:16.5


Row 5x10mims with 90second rests at 18/20/18/20/18spm

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03/27/22 396m 2:00.0 2:31.5

Cool Down

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03/27/22 6,664m 30:00.0 2:15.0

Wk3S5 RowAlong: 30min sawtooth changing stroke rate and pace every 2mins

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03/27/22 782m 4:00.0 2:33.4

4 min Warm Up

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03/24/22 385m 2:00.0 2:35.8

Cool Down

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03/24/22 6,634m 30:00.0 2:15.6

Wk3S5 RowAlong: 30min sawtooth changing stroke rate and pace every 2mins

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03/22/22 362m 2:00.0 2:45.7

Cool Down

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03/22/22 6,626m 30:00.0 2:15.8

RowAlong Wk1S1 : 30min @20spm - 2k+18

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03/22/22 1,000m 5:29.9 2:44.9

Warm Up
Drills & increasing SPM

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03/12/22 5,734m 25:18.0 2:12.3

Wk3S6 RowAlong: 30 mins changing rate and pace every 5 mins.

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03/12/22 1,217m 5:16.9 2:10.1

2k sprint pacer

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03/12/22 2,229m 10:00.0 2:14.5

10mins warm up for a sprint/hard session

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03/11/22 398m 2:00.0 2:30.7

Cool Down

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03/11/22 6,820m 30:00.0 2:11.9

Wk4S6 RowAlong: 30mins at 20spm @ 2k+15 - increase if you can - but try to keep it a MID tier (7-8/10) effort.

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03/11/22 1,017m 5:00.0 2:27.4

5min Warm Up

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03/10/22 413m 2:10.9 2:38.4 View workout
03/10/22 1,000m 3:48.9 1:54.4 View workout
03/10/22 2,202m 10:00.0 2:16.2

10mins warm up for a sprint/hard session

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03/09/22 396m 2:00.0 2:31.5

Cool Down

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03/09/22 8,339m 36:00.0 2:09.5

Wk4S5 RowAlong: 6x6mins alternating 20/18spm and 2k+10/2k+12

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