Evan Williams


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/03/22 12,245m 56:00.0 2:17.1

10KW5S2 - youtu.be/oO1yO9wOHsI
Row 50 minutes by alternating 18spm and 20spm every 10 minu…

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05/01/22 11,536m 51:00.0 2:12.6

10KW4S5 - youtu.be/MHusYZSi0sg

5 mins at 20spm and 2k+18
4 mins at 22spm a…

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04/27/22 7,896m 36:00.0 2:16.7

10KW4S4 - youtu.be/fc64k72F1SI

A simple recovery row during a tough week’s traini…

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04/26/22 8,426m 36:00.0 2:08.1

10KW4S3 - youtu.be/Ipx4f2DgXls
Row 10 x 3 mins at 26-28spm with 90 second rests @ 2K+7.

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04/23/22 11,198m 51:00.0 2:16.6

10KW4S2 - youtu.be/yFSlD7M1sTw

Row 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 with no rests. Alternate 20spm 2k+…

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04/22/22 8,021m 36:00.0 2:14.6

10KW4S1 - youtu.be/R4PvDso9998

Row 4mins at 20spm and 2K+18 pace, then 1 min at 28spm a…

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04/21/22 10,619m 46:00.0 2:09.9

10KW3S5 - youtu.be/C4pyvS0EXK8

Row 10 mins at 24spm and 2k+12
Rest 2 mins

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04/19/22 7,783m 36:00.0 2:18.7

30min 18spm row at 2k+20-22 to recover and work on technique.
Can you row it with your feet out of the straps? (Or very l…

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04/18/22 10,279m 46:00.0 2:14.2

Start at 2k+25 pace. Increase pace 2 seconds every 4 minutes until the end.

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04/15/22 9,909m 46:00.0 2:19.2

Change through
18/20/22/20/18/18/20/22/20/18spm Every four minutes.

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04/14/22 10,599m 46:00.0 2:10.2

10kW3S1 - youtu.be/ErYH4DTyUzM

Row the first 5 mins at 2k+12 then the next 3 mins at 2k…

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04/12/22 6,313m 27:00.0 2:08.3


Row each interval at max power at 20 strokes per minute. Aim to get around 2k+5 pace if you can.

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04/11/22 8,535m 39:00.0 2:17.0


Row 3 x 11 mins at 18/22/18spm with 1 minute rests.

18spm at 2k+18spm at 2k+14

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04/08/22 9,046m 41:00.0 2:15.9


Row 35 minutes at 20spm.

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04/07/22 9,412m 42:00.0 2:13.8


Row the first eight minutes at 20 strokes per minute and 2k+18 pace. Then row the next four minutes at 28 strokes per minu…

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04/05/22 11,245m 51:00.0 2:16.0

Row 3 x 15 mins with 2 min rests.
Change every 3 mins through 18/22/24/22/18spm
18 at 2k+20
22 at 2k+15

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04/04/22 6,086m 27:00.0 2:13.0


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04/03/22 9,206m 42:00.0 2:16.8

3 x 12 mins with 1 min rests.

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03/31/22 10,130m 46:00.0 2:16.2

Start at 2k+25 pace. Increase pace 2 seconds every 4 minutes until the end.

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03/30/22 7,828m 36:00.0 2:17.9

Row 30 mins at 20 strokes per minute at 2k+18 pace

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