Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/08/19 1,013m 4:00.0 1:58.4

Just a 4' to finish day 8 of the year

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01/08/19 19,582m 39:00.0 1:59.4

Another day and another +1' session.
Same pace. HR lower

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01/07/19 19,105m 38:00.0 1:59.3

Continuing the sequence. Added another minute at pace between 1:59 and 2:00

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01/06/19 40,000m 1:19:50.2 1:59.7

Attack on 40K WR/PB/SB. Had to dive under 1:20:00,0. Target pace 30´15.200m. (15.195m) 60' 30.200m (30.185m) 30K 1:20:00,0 and…

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01/06/19 2,447m 5:06.8 2:05.3

Set my mind on breaking my WR/PB/SB on the 40K. This was the WU of 5' followed by 2 calibration sessions.

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01/05/19 1,609m 6:24.7 1:59.5

To finish todays session with a Miler on the Rower. Not as easy as hoped.

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01/05/19 18,266m 36:00.0 1:58.2

Continuing the sequence after yesterdays WR on the 60'

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01/04/19 30,856m 1:00:00.0 1:56.6

Attack on the WR 60' which I lost earlier this week to another Dutchman. Distance to beat was 30.409m. Based on the training session…

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01/04/19 2,197m 5:05.1 2:18.8

Juts a light and short WU in preparation for an attack on my world hour record which I lost some days ago.

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01/03/19 266m 1:00.0 1:52.7

Reluctant to do this as elbow still hurts but it is only 1' of agony. Faster than expected.

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01/03/19 301m 1:00.0 1:39.6

After a good 34' on the Bike done the sessions for IRL - ISL. Both above expectation.

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01/03/19 17,216m 34:00.0 1:58.4

Cold in the Algarve to our standard.
In the morning 34' and very easy with low HR and faster than yesterday.

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01/02/19 1,016m 4:00.0 1:58.1 View workout
01/02/19 16,601m 33:00.0 1:59.2

For the time being decided to continue with the X-Mas challenge carrying it into January. So adding 1 min every day with a target pace of…

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01/01/19 1,007m 4:00.0 1:59.1

To finish day 1 of the year 2019 a 4' session to be done on Rower at same pace as the Bike Erg.

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01/01/19 16,055m 32:00.0 1:59.5

3 hours sleep after New Years eve but no problems. As we had visitors opted for an easy 32' at Pace just under 2:00. Easy enough wit…

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12/31/18 1,032m 4:00.0 1:56.2

To end the year with a 4' session of the Rower. That is what is was for 2018.

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12/31/18 15,726m 31:44.2 2:01.0

Attack of WR Record 60'. Was not to be after yesterdays attempt. So had to settle for the 31' for the last X-Mas challenge with…

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12/31/18 4,929m 10:06.8 2:03.1

WU for attempt to attack 60´WR

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12/30/18 15,668m 30:00.0 1:54.8

Had set my mind already for some time to attack my 30' (WR) record. Feeling good the last couple of days. Done a bit of WU on the Sk…

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