Nick Roberts


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
08/28/23 10,000m 40:42.3 2:02.1 View workout
08/25/23 10,000m 40:30.0 2:01.5 View workout
08/22/23 9,750m 39:14.1 2:00.7

Felt good. Row machine at gym actually worked. Accidentally cut workout short by 250m. Oh well

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08/19/23 7,500m 30:00.0 2:00.0

Felt ok. A little sore. Gym rower not working had to estimate distance.

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08/17/23 7,500m 30:00.0 2:00.0

First row back since vacation. Struggled a bit and felt sore.

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08/06/23 3,500m

1000m warm up
10 rounds of 250m sprints w/ 25 sec breaks.

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08/03/23 9,750m 38:33.9 1:58.6 View workout
07/26/23 10,000m 39:43.4 1:59.1

Felt decent until last 2500m interval. Struggled on that one. Overall decent row

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07/21/23 7,500m 29:21.2 1:57.4

Didn’t finish workout. Stopped at 7500 of 10,000.
It kicked my ass I struggled today

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07/18/23 2,500m 9:37.2 1:55.4

Station 213 intervals. Felt ok but dehydrated

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07/15/23 7,500m 30:24.3 2:01.6

Rialto gym. Felt ok. Been off for a couple weeks

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07/14/23 2,500m 9:02.2 1:48.4

Went told old north Fontana gym. Felt ok considering pretty tired from work

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07/11/23 2,500m 9:24.5 1:52.9 View workout
07/08/23 10,000m 40:00.0 2:00.0

No access to app. Had to manually enter workout

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07/04/23 7,500m 29:42.0 1:58.8

Struggled. Not sure if dehydrated or what but had a hard time

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07/02/23 7,613m 42:52.7 2:48.9

Watched Douche being a prick to maddie. Stopped and ruined my row.

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06/26/23 2,500m 9:11.4 1:50.2

Still sore from big bear event. Level 7 resistance. Felt okay but didn’t go super hard.

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06/23/23 10,000m 42:42.0 2:08.1

Took it really easy. Day before big bear run row at gym.

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06/20/23 10,000m 39:34.0 1:58.7

10,000 m row at gym. Struggled but pushed through

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06/17/23 2,500m 9:15.0 1:51.0

Station 213 nighttime row. Level 6 interval. Felt good but pretty challenging .

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