Ken Stark


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/26/24 13,000m 57:32.7 2:12.7

a little slower than yesterday. decent first k. slow through the middle. decent last k especially last 500. at least last split was fa…

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12/25/24 13,000m 56:30.4 2:10.4

good start. kind of slow and a bit up and down from there. decent last 500. watch gave 104. Merry Christmas!

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12/24/24 13,000m 56:34.3 2:10.5

decent overall time. ok first tenth. decent last 1k especially last 500. middle kind of slow. ok but could have been better 6930 at thi…

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12/23/24 13,000m 58:36.2 2:15.2

slow for most of today. last 2+k pretty good. third fifth really bad. watch gave 105.

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12/22/24 13,000m 55:59.0 2:09.1

really good today. nice to break 56 even if just barely. strong last 4+k. really good last 500. decent through middle for a change. f…

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12/21/24 13,000m 57:04.8 2:11.7

better than yesterday. just ok through about 9k. pretty strong last 4k watch gave 101

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12/20/24 13,000m 59:35.5 2:17.5

absolutely terrible. no speed no strength no nothing. watch gave 111.

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12/19/24 13,000m 59:13.9 2:16.6

terrible. just slow whole way through. watch gave 113

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12/18/24 13,000m 58:49.9 2:15.7

another really slow day. not much good in this. last 750 okay. watch gave 110. did tighten it for today.

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12/17/24 13,000m 58:36.5 2:15.2

slow today. nothing redeeming beyond getting through it. watch gave 97. passed 3 million for season.

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12/16/24 13,000m 57:49.0 2:13.4

slower than yesterday. good first one k. super slow through the middle. strong last fifth especially last thousand or so. watch gave…

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12/15/24 13,000m 56:50.2 2:11.1

didn't feel horrible but slower than yesterday. weird spike back. decent first k. middle slow. watch gave 94.

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12/14/24 13,000m 56:32.9 2:10.4

good time. felt ok whole way through. A little slow in fourth fifth but not horrible. strong first k and last 500. watch gave 103.

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12/13/24 13,000m 57:46.0 2:13.3

a little better. first row with new wire/generator module. seems to have cleared up the weird spikes I was seeing in stroke rate. didn&#…

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12/12/24 13,000m 58:54.1 2:15.9

really slow today. just felt tired. decent first 1k. pretty good last 500. other than than not good. watch gave 105

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12/11/24 13,000m 57:37.4 2:12.9

a little better than yesterday. decent first 1k. then slow especially fourth fifth. then strong last 3k. watch gave 110.

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12/10/24 13,000m 58:37.2 2:15.2

slow. not much more to say. watch gave 101.

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12/09/24 13,000m 56:57.5 2:11.4

decent overall time. not as good as yesterday but good for recent times. strong last fifth. really fast last 500 or so. watch gave 93 -…

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12/08/24 13,000m 55:32.7 2:08.1

no idea where that came from. long time since had a time in the 55's. good all the way through. not sure about the stroke glitch…

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12/07/24 13,000m 58:34.9 2:15.1

better than yesterday but not good. decent first 1k. watch gave 115. passed 16 million total meters.

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