Dean Clapham


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/14/19 15,000m 1:05:00.2 2:10.0

15K Row @ a steady 2:10.0

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03/13/19 15,000m 1:04:21.8 2:08.7

Intervals: WU(1K), 4 x 1500m @ sub 2:00, 2000 @ 2:15.0

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03/12/19 13,636m 1:00:00.0 2:12.0

1 Hour row @ 2:12/500m to each split trying to keep SPM<=25

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03/12/19 68m 0:25.7 3:08.9

Stopped to adjust display.

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03/11/19 30,000m 2:15:00.0 2:15.0

30K row @ 2:15/500m for each split. Could definitely maintain that pace for longer.

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03/09/19 13,904m 1:00:00.0 2:09.4

1 Hour Row: Progressive from 2:12 to 2:07/500m. Increased pace each 10 minute split.

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03/08/19 13,638m 1:00:00.0 2:11.9

1 Hour Row: Target pace of 2:12.0/500m @ 22 SPM.
Trying 22SPM (instead of usual 25-27). Found it harder.

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03/08/19 124m 1:09.1 4:38.6

Fluff on rail so restarted.

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03/07/19 14,178m 1:00:00.0 2:06.9

1 Hour Row: Target Pace 2:07.0/500m for each split.

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03/06/19 13,851m 1:00:00.0 2:09.9

1 Hour Row: Target pace 2:10.0/500m.
Never felt challenging to maintain pace.

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03/04/19 13,589m 1:00:00.0 2:12.4

1 hour row. Target pace 2:12.5/500m for each split.

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03/03/19 21,097m 1:34:54.6 2:14.9

Half Marathon Row: Target of 2:15.0/500m for every split.
Felt comfortable right until the end.

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03/02/19 10,000m 43:19.3 2:09.9

10K row. Target of 2:10.0/500m for every split.

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03/01/19 13,336m 1:00:00.0 2:14.9

1 hour easy row trying to get each split @ 2:15.0/500m

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02/27/19 10,000m 44:38.7 2:13.9

Recovery effort 10K row keeping HR<=120

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02/26/19 10,000m 41:54.6 2:05.7

Progressive 10K. Working hard at the end to go sub 42 minutes.

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02/24/19 21,097m 1:36:53.3 2:17.7

Easy effort HM row. Calf strain prevented running today.
Ran Ergdata on tablet but connection still dropped during first split.

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02/23/19 10,000m 43:00.4 2:09.0 View workout
02/23/19 1,080m 5:08.4 2:22.7 View workout
02/19/19 10,000m 44:47.1 2:14.3

10K row. Started off keeping HR<=120 but PM5 lost connection to HR and iPhone for 2nd consecutive row. Replaced PM5 batteries after fi…

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