Derek Farman


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
10/24/18 5,000m 27:22.8 2:44.2

Felt much better today. Weight training for Core development early morning and my rowing schedule, late afternoon is a much better idea.…

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10/24/18 100m 14:47.2 1:13:56.0

Weight Training i.e 3 rounds of 8 Core exercises each of 10 reps, non-stop

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10/23/18 3,000m 16:35.7 2:45.9 View workout
10/23/18 6,000m 32:49.7 2:44.1 View workout
10/23/18 100m 13:31.0 1:07:35.0

Weight Training..Felt sluggish for all three of today's sessions.

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10/22/18 600m 3:36.3 3:00.2 View workout
10/22/18 1,000m 4:26.6 2:13.3 View workout
10/22/18 3,000m 16:15.8 2:42.6 View workout
10/22/18 1,310m 6:40.0 2:32.6

Tabata session. 20(20 sec fast row+ 10 secs rowed "rest") A hard 10 minutes of work on which I will expand.

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10/22/18 3,000m 17:38.6 2:56.4

Warm up row

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10/22/18 100m 15:17.3 1:16:26.5

Core weight training. Light weights so as not to risk injury...will build up gradually again.

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10/20/18 4,000m 21:36.3 2:42.0

Early evening row as warm up for weight training (21min 45sec) but almost 2 minutes faster than the 4000m of early this morning.

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10/20/18 1,500m 6:31.4 2:10.4

Pleased with session...15x100m/1 minute.

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10/20/18 4,000m 23:14.0 2:54.2

Early morning row...warm up for 15x100m

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10/19/18 6,000m 31:54.0 2:39.5

Back in boat after three day rest...6x1000/2mins @24spm. Satisfied

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10/15/18 5,000m 25:54.3 2:35.4

My best ever 5000m despite the last month's fatigue! Really pleased and a fitting goodbye to the 2018 Fall Challenge.
Well done…

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10/14/18 8,000m 49:19.4 3:04.9

What I did this morning that was not recorded ie ignore the PM5 and row how I felt.

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10/14/18 10m 0:07.4 6:10.0

Idiot me! I miss-set the MP5 and so no record of my 8x1000m early morning row.

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10/14/18 8,000m 44:46.6 2:47.9

8x1000m with 1 min rowed "rests"

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10/13/18 500m 3:07.9 3:07.9 View workout