Derek Farman


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
10/07/18 4,532m 24:00.0 2:38.8 View workout
10/07/18 5,000m 29:51.1 2:59.1 View workout
10/06/18 8,000m 43:41.2 2:43.8

Straight 8000m...increased the spm for a change

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10/06/18 4,000m 22:07.8 2:45.9

Following the warm up...10x500m steady

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10/06/18 4,000m 24:14.7 3:01.8

Warm up session.

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10/05/18 8,000m 44:26.6 2:46.6

Very pleased. Aimed to row 8000m in under 45 minutes @ 22/21 spm. Did it.

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10/05/18 7,000m 40:15.0 2:52.5

Felt tired after yesterday so did not bust a gut to finish!

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10/05/18 1,000m 6:15.8 3:07.9 View workout
10/04/18 7,500m 40:22.5 2:41.5

Felt really good so decided to put the hammer down but still limiting the spm to sub 23. Interesting to compare this row with this morni…

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10/04/18 7,500m 44:24.0 2:57.6

5.45 am start,, felt tired after yesterday but decided to flog on for what was not a bad eventual time.

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10/03/18 8,000m 42:48.1 2:40.5

Really pleased with this row... Felt good so went for a decent time...2 mins quicker than recent 75000times but 500m further.

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10/03/18 7,000m 41:41.1 2:58.6 View workout
10/02/18 7,500m 40:43.2 2:42.8

Late afternoon and felt good so decided on 3x2500m with 2 min rowed "rests." I used the first two as a warm up and "went…

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10/02/18 7,500m 47:05.7 3:08.3

Did not feel too bright this morning so just set out to row to the finish come what may, aiming at sub 23spm.

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10/01/18 7,500m 45:01.2 3:00.0

3.40 pm start. 15x500m with 30 sec rests, aiming at 3 mins per 500. Felt a bit tired after this morning so even the 30sec rests were ne…

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10/01/18 7,500m 44:29.6 2:57.9

6.00 am start. Good steady row, again aiming at 45 mins. Damper set at 6

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09/30/18 7,500m 40:20.9 2:41.3

4pm start. Felt good so went for it- a hard row. Next two sessions will be much easier.

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09/30/18 7,500m 44:56.4 2:59.7

6.00am start, I felt ok so again aimed at 45 mins for the 7.5 km knowing I have a second session this afternoon. I was a whole 3.6 sec…

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09/29/18 8,000m 44:40.2 2:47.5

8000m (20x400m, 30 sec "rests" between intervals. Very pleased with #19, #20 being a well-earned coast in.

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09/29/18 7,500m 43:08.0 2:52.5

Early morning start. felt good so went with the flow. Very pleased with the row ...felt easy but again still felt the need to apply the…

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