Bill Moloney


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/04/24 42m 0:13.3 2:38.3

Crew Similiar DH 10k 8.3 10k no rest broken up
4k. @18 2k+20.
3k. @20. 2k+18.
2k. @22. 2k+15-16
1k. @24 2k+11-14

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03/04/24 1,168m 6:00.0 2:34.1

6 min Warm-Up
1 on 1 off
Get things moving slowly increase

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02/26/24 4,182m 20:00.0 2:23.4

30 Min Ski 30-30 w Warm up and Cool down
5 min Warmup
Then 30/30
2 min reset at halfway
Cooldown at the end

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02/25/24 6,267m 30:00.0 2:23.6

30 min' With Bursts
4’ at 18 s/m
1’ at 26 s/m (burst)
30 Min Total
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02/24/24 6,578m 30:00.0 2:16.8

30 min w 2min rate changed
22. 24. 26 change every 2min

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02/24/24 2,109m 10:07.6 2:24.0 View workout
02/18/24 6,000m 29:14.5 2:26.2

Medium - 3 x 2000m / 1 min easy - Ski

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02/17/24 9,875m 45:00.0 2:16.7

Long - 3 x 15 min with rate increase / 3 min easy
Row three 15 minute pieces. Row the first five minutes of each @ 20 spm. Then four…

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02/17/24 938m 5:00.0 2:39.9

Long - 3 x 15 min with rate increase / 3 min easy
Row three 15 minute pieces. Row the first five minutes of each @ 20 spm. Then four…

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02/17/24 953m 5:00.0 2:37.3

5min Warmup

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02/11/24 9,111m 43:00.0 2:21.5

48 minutes w warm-up included

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02/04/24 1,594m 7:16.2 2:16.8

Part 1 Warm-up for Xmas
It is very personal, what one needs to be ready to train. We suggest the following. 1km in about 22-22 SPM a…

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02/04/24 2,319m 11:04.1 2:23.1

Ski Erg Cal & Push Ups for Time
Inversión Calories and Push Ups
10 down to Five and back up again
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01/29/24 7,174m 40:00.0 2:47.2

For As the Flywheel Spins episode 47
Just set at 40 minutes with Warmup included
Just listen for audio cues for chao

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01/28/24 5,881m 30:00.0 2:33.0

Skelton day 2 30 min 10/26/22
C2 podcast Skelton Crew 2 Challenge Warmup included
2 sets of 10 min going 50 seconds mod
10 s…

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01/20/24 6,232m 30:00.0 2:24.4

As the Flywheel Spins EPISODE 53
30 min total
2x 12 pyramid with 6 min spin between

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01/14/24 12,000m 58:02.5 2:25.1

12k easy
12 lots of low gears

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01/13/24 5,064m 25:00.0 2:28.1

25 min w 5 min WU for RBT

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01/08/24 5,844m 28:00.0 2:23.7

W25 LD2 Medium - free week - Free Ski Squad Sessions…

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01/08/24 904m 5:00.0 2:45.9

5min Warmup

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