Andrew Douglas


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
02/12/22 6,500m 37:25.6 2:52.7

A bit slower than last time, but got some good pace on the 500m

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02/12/22 611m 3:45.0 3:04.1


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02/11/22 5,524m 30:00.0 2:42.9

resetting PB 30 min

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02/11/22 559m 3:45.0 3:21.2


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02/10/22 4,911m 25:30.3 2:35.8

175 cal row

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02/10/22 6,500m 35:23.6 2:43.3

HR zone step. Liking this workout. Beat previous pace by 13.0 seconds!

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02/10/22 561m 3:45.0 3:20.5


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02/09/22 5,000m 26:06.7 2:36.6

Basic 5k. New PB. Aimed to beat prev PB by 1 sec, did so. Hard pulls at the start... jacked my heart rate. Weight below 180!

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02/09/22 572m 3:45.0 3:16.6


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02/08/22 1,090m 5:34.8 2:33.5

100 MILES!!!!!!

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02/08/22 6,500m 38:12.8 2:56.3

HR zone steps, 3k,2k,1k,500m intervals each with an increasing HR: 65%,75,85,95

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02/08/22 604m 3:45.0 3:06.2


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02/07/22 5,000m 27:58.1 2:47.8

Ergzone trial workout. 5k varying stroke rate and pace, 18/20/18/20/18, 2k+20, 2k+17 pace alternate. Stayed well aerobic.

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02/07/22 570m 3:45.0 3:17.3


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02/06/22 1,028m 6:13.9 3:01.8


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02/06/22 1,000m 6:12.9 3:06.4

Relaxed pace to add some meters and top 7500 for the day

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02/06/22 5,000m 27:35.6 2:45.5

Did 10 hard strokes after every 1000m. Saw sub-2 min pace on those pulls for the first time. Heart rate running high... might have been a…

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02/06/22 592m 3:26.8 2:54.6


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02/05/22 7,464m 45:51.0 3:04.2

Rowalong 45 min interval video. Six max efforts, 90sec, 80 sec, 70 sec, repeat. Pushed to the absolute max... 160+ HR

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02/04/22 5,000m 30:27.4 3:02.7

5k with low heart rate... working on fat burn/aerobic. Max HR I saw was 131

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