Deborah Phillips


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/16/20 6,140m 45:00.0 3:39.8

Day 17 Still having significant issues with HR but better than earlier. Issue seems partly form (breathing erratic, too far forward on r…

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06/15/20 5,996m 45:00.0 3:45.1

Day 16. No idea what happened. Could not keep HR down. Everything out of kilter.

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06/15/20 1,549m 10:48.5 3:29.3 View workout
06/13/20 6,604m 45:00.0 3:24.4

Day 15. No real warmup, just stretching. Focus only on keeping HR down. 3pm row - late time for me, and started out higher HR but able…

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06/12/20 6,694m 45:00.0 3:21.6

Day 14. HR at 118 in first few minutes. That took down watts and increased pace. Difficult to stay 116-118, too much variability at hi…

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06/12/20 572m 4:06.7 3:35.6

Day 14. Warmup reflected much higher HR more quickly.

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06/11/20 6,841m 45:00.0 3:17.3

Day 13. More difficult to keep HR down and watts up. Again having to overcompensate by keeping HR too low for first 10-15 minutes in or…

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06/11/20 483m 3:23.6 3:30.7


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06/10/20 6,831m 45:00.0 3:17.6

Day 12. Felt the best - still starting out very low in time in order to keep HR low. Have to keep first 10-20 minutes very low in order…

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06/10/20 370m 3:10.1 4:16.8


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06/09/20 6,533m 45:00.0 3:26.6

Day 11. HR too high. First 9 minutes below 120. Watts down because of HR issue. Difficulty keeping HR down even when starting slow e…

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06/09/20 441m 2:57.7 3:21.4

heart rate monitor broken stopped workout

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06/09/20 576m 4:33.3 3:57.2


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06/08/20 6,510m 45:00.0 3:27.3

Day 10. Same issue. Could not keep HR down. No idea what happened. more frustrated just finished. not sure this is doable. HR too high…

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06/08/20 2,247m 15:24.5 3:25.7

quit too frustrated but then restarted (see 45minute segment). could not keep HR down at all

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06/08/20 786m 5:24.0 3:26.1


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06/06/20 2,249m 15:00.0 3:20.0

day 9 segment 2 (optional)

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06/06/20 6,748m 45:00.0 3:20.0

Day 9 kept first 15 minutes below HR 117; last 20 were over 120

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06/06/20 707m 5:41.9 4:01.7


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06/05/20 4,448m 30:00.0 3:22.3

day 8 segment 2

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